Preliminary User’s Manual S14767EJ1V0UM00
Table 2-36. ALU Immediate Instructions (2/2)
Format and Description
DADDIU ry, rx, immediate
The 4-bit immediate is sign extended to 64 bits, and then added to the contents of register rx to form a
64-bit result. The result is placed into general register ry. No integer overflow exception occurs under
any circumstances.
This operation is defined in the 64-bit mode and the 32-bit kernel mode. When this instruction is
executed in the 32-bit user/supervisor mode, a reserved instruction exception is generated.
DADDIU ry, immediate
The 5-bit immediate is sign extended to 64 bits, and then added to the contents of register ry to form a
64-bit result. The result is placed into general register ry. No integer overflow exception occurs under
any circumstances.
This operation is defined in the 64-bit mode and the 32-bit kernel mode. When this instruction is
executed in the 32-bit user/supervisor mode, a reserved instruction exception is generated.
DADDIU sp, immediate
The 8-bit immediate is shifted left three bits, sign extended to 64 bits, and then added to the contents
of register sp to form a 64-bit result. The result is placed into general register sp. No integer overflow
exception occurs under any circumstances.
This operation is defined in the 64-bit mode and the 32-bit kernel mode. When this instruction is
executed in the 32-bit user/supervisor mode, a reserved instruction exception is generated.
DADDIU ry, pc, immediate
The two lower bits of the BasePC value associated with the instruction are cleared to form the masked
BasePC value. The 5-bit immediate is shifted left two bits, zero extended, and added to the masked
BasePC value to form the virtual address. This address is placed into general register ry. No integer
overflow exception occurs under any circumstances.
This operation is defined in the 64-bit mode and the 32-bit kernel mode. When this instruction is
executed in the 32-bit user/supervisor mode, a reserved instruction exception is generated.
Doubleword Add
Immediate Unsigned
DADDIU ry, sp, immediate
The 5-bit immediate is shifted left two bits, zero extended to 64 bits, and then added to the contents of
register sp to form a 64-bit result. This result is placed into register ry. No integer overflow exception
occurs under any circumstances.
This operation is defined in the 64-bit mode and the 32-bit kernel mode. When this instruction is
executed in the 32-bit user/supervisor mode, a reserved instruction exception is generated.
Set on Less Than
SLTI rx, immediate
The 8-bit immediate is zero extended and subtracted from the contents of general register rx.
Considering both quantities as signed integers, if rx is less than the zero-extended immediate, the
result is set to 1; otherwise, the result is set to 0. The result is placed into register T ($24).
Set on Less Than
Immediate Unsigned
SLTIU rx, immediate
The 8-bit immediate is zero extended and subtracted from the contents of general register rx.
Considering both quantities as signed integers, if rx is less than the zero-extended immediate, the
result is set to 1; otherwise, the result is set to 0. The result is placed into register T ($24).
Compare Immediate
CMPI rx, immediate
The 8-bit immediate is zero extended and exclusive ORed in 1-bit units with the contents of general
register rx. The result is placed into register T ($24).