Advance Data Sheet
T7633 Dual T1/E1 3.3 V Short-Haul Terminator
May 1998
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Sa bits 80, 81
Sa Bits Sourcing Decoding 195
Sa Facility Data Link Access 81
Sa stack 80, 82
Sa4—Sa8 Control Register 196
Sa4—Sa8 Source Register 195
Sa6 code monitoring 71
Sa6 codes 95, 96
Sa6 patterns 95
Secondary Loopback Control 191
secondary loopback modes 100
Secondary System Time-Slot Loopback Address 191
Secondary-single time-slot line loopback 100
Secondary-single time-slot system loopback 100
Severely Errored Second Threshold Register 186
Si bit 79
Si bits in frames 13 and 15 79
Si-Bit Source Register 198
Signaling Access 85
Signaling Mode Register 202
Single Rail 52
Single time-slot line loopback (STSLLB) 99
Single time-slot system loopback (STSSLB) 99
SLC-96 58
SLC-96 9-State Signaling 64
SLC-96 Data Link Block Format 59
SLC-96 FDL Receive Stack 178
SLC-96 FDL stack 60
SLC-96 Transmit Stack 197
spurious frame alignment 72
status of frame (SF) byte 112
status registers 91
Stuffed Time Slots 128
System Frame Sync Mask Source 192
System Interface Control Register 201
System Time-Slot Loopback Address 190
T1 Frame Recovery Alignment Algorithms 63
T1 Frame Structure 55
T1 framing formats 128
T1 Framing Structures 55
T1 Robbed-Bit Signaling 64, 65
T1 stuffed channels 86
T1.403-1995 108
TAP 135
test access port 135
test access port controller 136
TFE 132, 133
time slot 16 multiframe alignment recovery algorithm 78
Time Slot 16 Signaling 86
timing requirements for the transmit and receive framer
interfaces 51
Transformer 48
Transmission of E Bit 194
Transmit ANSI T1.403 Bit-Oriented Messages 114
transmit elastic store buffer 122
Transmit Facility Data Link Interface 114
Transmit FDL FIFO 117
Transmit Frame Edge 126
Transmit Framer ANSI Performance Report Message
Status Register 179
transmit framer interface 50
Transmit Highway Select 127
transmit idle character 118
Transmit Least Significant Bit First 128
Transmit Remote Frame Alarm 107
Transmit Signaling Registers
CEPT Format 210
DS1 Format 210
transmit signaling registers 85
Transmit Time Slot 16 Remote Multiframe Alarm 107
Transmit Time-Slot Enable 127
Transmit Time-Slot Enable Registers 206
Transmiter FDL FIFO Register 214
Transmitter Bit Offset 127
Transmitter Byte Offset 127
Transmitter Clock Edge 126
transmitter empty 118
Transmitter Underrun 117
Transparent Framing 56
transparent framing mode 1 56
transparent framing mode 2 56
Transparent Mode 118
transparent mode 119
TR-TSY-000194 Issue 1, 12-87 108
unavailable state alarm 95
XCE 133
Yellow alarm 92
ZCS 53
ZCS Encoding 53
Zero Code Suppression 53
Zero Substitution 27
Zero Substitution Decoding (CODE) 27
Zero-Bit Insertion/Deletion 115