Advance Data Sheet
T7633 Dual T1/E1 3.3 V Short-Haul Terminator
May 1998
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Generated (Intrinsic) Jitter 40
Global Internal Interface Control Register 157
Global Loopback Contol Register 156
Global Loopback Control Register 156
Global Register Architecture 154
Global Register Set 154
Global Register Structure 155
Global Terminal Control Register 157
Handling Precautions 228
HDB3 27
HDB3 Coding 54
HDLC Operation 115
High-Impedance State 45
Highway Enable 126
human-body model 228
IDCODE Register 139
IDCODE register 135
idle code 86, 103
Idles 116
idles 115
In-Circuit Testing 45
instruction register 138
Interrupt Enable Register 159
Interrupt Generation 149
Interrupt Group Enable Registers 180
Interrupt Status Register 165
interworking 168
IRSM Signaling 77
ITU 66
ITU Rec. 0.151 102
ITU Rec. 706 Annex B 74
ITU Rec. G.704 Section 2.3.1 67
ITU Rec. G.704 Section 70
ITU Rec. G.704 Section 79
ITU Rec. G.704 Section 71
ITU Rec. G.704 Section 71
ITU Rec. G.706 Annex C 67
ITU Rec. G.706 Section 4.1.1 69
ITU Rec. G.706 Section 4.2 72, 74
ITU Rec. G.706 Section 4.3.2 69
ITU Rec. G.706 Section B.2.2 79
ITU Rec. G.706 Section B.2.3 74
ITU Rec. G.706.4.1.2 69
ITU Rec. G.732 Section 5.2 78
ITU Rec. G.775 93
ITU-T standard polynomial 117
JAR 41
Jitter 27
Jitter Accommodation 27, 30, 31, 41
Jitter Attenuator 27, 40
Jitter Attenuator Enable (Transmit or Receive Path) 41
Jitter Tolerance 41
Jitter Transfer 27, 30, 31, 40
Jitter Transfer Function 40
LFA 62
Line Code Option Bits Decoding 183
Line Enable Register 188
Line Interface Unit 26
Jitter Attenuator 40
Line Circuitry 48
Loopbacks 44
Receiver 26
Transmit 34
Line Interface Units (LIU) Register Architecture 158
Line Interface Units Register Set 158
Line loopback 99
Line Termination 48
LIU Alarms 28
LIU Powerdown (PD) 45
LIU Receiver Bipolar Violation (BPV) Alarm 29
LIU Transmitter Alarm Indication Signal Generator
(XLAIS) 35
LIU Transmitter Alarms 35
LIU Transmitter Configuration Modes 35
LIU Transmitter Driver Monitor (TDM) Alarm 36
LIU Transmitter Zero Substitution Encoding (CODE) 35
LIU-bypass mode 51
LIU-Framer Physical Interface 50
LLB 99
local loopback 120
Logic Interface Characteristics 229
loopback 99
Loopback Decoding 190, 191
Loopbacks 44
loss of CRC-4 multiframe alignment 71
Loss of Frame Alignment 62
loss of frame alignment 91
Loss of LIU Transmit Clock (LOTC) Alarm 35
loss of PLL clock 93
loss of receive clock 93
Loss of SYSCK (LORLCK) 45
loss of time slot 16 signaling multiframe alignment 78
Loss Shutdown (LOSSD) and Receiver AIS (RCVAIS)
LOSSD and RCVAIS Control Configurations 29