Data Sheet
January 1998
T7256 Single-Chip NT1 (SCNT1) Transceiver
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Questions and Answers
I would like to integrate a T7256-based NT1 onto
both a T7250C-based 4-wire TE product and a
T7903-based 4-wire TE product in order to pro-
vide a U-interface on these products. I realize this
can be done by simply incorporating my external
NT1 design directly onto the TE board, but is
there a simpler approach in which I can avoid
having two sets of S/T transformers and associ-
ated line interface circuitry
Yes. First note Figures 34, 35, and 36, which
show example S/T line interface circuits for the
T7256, T7903, and T7250C, respectively. If no
external S/T-interface connection is required, the
T7256 can be directly connected to the T7903
and T7250C as shown in Figures 37 and 38. If
there is a requirement for connecting external
TEs, the circuits shown in Figures 39 and 40 can
be used. These two circuits show a hybrid
scheme in which a direct connect between the
T7256 and T7903/T7250C is implemented while
providing for an external S/T-interface (thus
requiring only one set of S/T transformers rather
than the two sets that would be required if the
T7256 and T7903/T7250C were transformer-cou-
pled to one another instead directly connected).
The direct connect circuits were derived as
shown in Figures 37 and 38 and the following text
In all of these analyses, the final value of
resistance chosen may be slightly differ-
ent than the ideal value computed
because standard resistance values
were used.
T7903/T7250C Transmit to T7256 Receive
a) Transmitter Load:
T7903: The line interface transformer has a
turns ratio of 2.0, and the transmitter drives a
total line-side load of 50
. Reflecting this
impedance to the device side of the trans-
former results in 200
x N
). This
resistance, combined with the 40
resistance of the device-side resistors,
results in a total of 240
that the transmitter
typically drives.
So, to optimize the transmitter part of the cir-
cuit based on the load the transmitter expects
to drive, the transmitter should see a total
resistance of approximately 240
T7250C: The line interface transformer has a
turns ratio of 2.5, and the transmitter drives a
line-side load of 50
. Reflecting this imped-
ance to the device side of the transformer
results in 312.5
x N
). This resis-
tance, combined with the 113
total resis-
tance of the device-side resistors, results in a
total of 425.5
that the transmitter typically
drives. So, to optimize the transmitter part of
the circuit based on the load the transmitter
expects to drive, the transmitter should see a
total resistance of approximately 425