19-4750; Rev 1; 07/11
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PC.CR1.RXPDSD). If a packet is received that includes an Ethernet Type field that is equal to an IP version that is
not enabled, the packet is discarded. According to the enabled IP version(s), the S132 can recognize up to 3 IPv4
DAs (PC.CR6 – PC.CR8) and up to 2 IPv6 DAs (PC.CR9 – PC.CR16). If the packet matches the enabled IP
version(s), but does not match one of the programmed IP DAs, the packet is either forwarded to the CPU or
discarded (PC.CR1.DPS1).
For MEF-8 applications the received Ethernet Type is compared against the programmed PC.CR4.MET value. For
MFA-8 the Ethernet Type field is compared against the Unicast and Multicast MPLS Ethernet Type values.
Table9-8 identifies each of the recognized PW Ethernet Types.
Table 9-8. Recognized PW Ethernet Types
Ethernet Type
Ethernet Type value
Should be programmed to 0x88D8
MFA-8 Unicast MPLS
Hardwired value in the S132.
MFA-8 Multicast MPLS
Hardwired value in the S132.
Hardwired value in the S132.
Hardwired value in the S132.
The information for identifying UDP and L2TPv3 headers is hardwired in the Classifier, without any enable settings.
If a received packet header matches one of the 6 PW Header Types, the packet is further processed as a PW
packet. If the packet does not include one of the recognized PW Header Types the packet is further analyzed to
determine whether it is a CPU packet (see “CPU Packet Classification section”).
A packet with a recognized PW Header that includes the Ethernet Broadcast Address can be further processed or
discarded (PC.CR1.DBTP). PW (BID and OAM BID) Packet Classification
When one of the 6 PW Header Types has been detected, the Classifier next interprets the packet to find its PW-ID
and then tests the PW-ID to see if it matches a recognized Bundle or OAM Bundle. The S132 can recognize up to
256 PW/Bundles and up to 32 OAM PW/Bundles. “Bundles” can be programmed to include CES, SAT, HDLC, PW-
Timing (Clock Recovery) and/or CPU connections. The 256 Bundles are referred to as “Bundle 0” through “Bundle
255”. “OAM Bundles” are similar to “Bundles”, but restricted in their use.
“OAM Bundles” are commonly used in UDP applications to provide CPU, Out-band VCCV connections (such as
“UDP-specific OAM”). The “OAM Bundles” are referred to as “OAM Bundle 0” through “OAM Bundle 31”. Each
OAM Bundle is usually associated with one or more of the 256 Bundles (to provide OAM for those Bundles). The
use of OAM Bundles is optional and the association between “normal” Bundles and OAM Bundles must be made
outside of the S132 (there are no internal S132 association settings or interactions). They are all treated
independently by the S132.
The BID and OAM BID values must be programmed for each Bundle and OAM Bundle. The B.BACR register is
used to select which of the 256 Bundles or 32 OAM Bundles is to be programmed, the B.BADR1 register to select
the Active or Inactive state and the B.BADR2 register to specify the BID or OAM BID value.
For each “normal” Bundle there is a wide range of settings that can be programmed. The B.BCCR register is used
to select which of the 256 Bundles is to be programmed and the B.BCDR1 – B.BCDR5 registers are used to specify
the Bundle parameters. The OAM Bundles do not support other programmable “per-Bundle” parameters.
When the Classifier has determined that a received packet includes a recognized PW Header, the received PW-ID
is compared against each of the active BIDs and OAM BIDs. The BID bit-width varies according to the PW Header
type. The Classifier is hard-wired to support a 20-bit comparison for MEF- and MFA-8 and a 32-bit comparison for
L2TPv3. For UDP the Classifier can be programmed to support a 16-bit or 32-bit comparison (G.GCR.UBIDLS).
To find a matching BID/OAM BID, the Classifier initially compares all of its active BIDs and OAM BIDs against each
received PW-ID without verifying that the received Header Type is also correct. The received PW-ID field is
identified (according to the received PW header type) and then compared against 256 BIDs and 32 OAM BIDs. If a
received PW-ID does not match any of the active BIDs or OAM BIDs the packet is either forwarded to the CPU or
discarded (PC.CR1.DPS6).