7.7.10 Frequency and Phase Measurement
The T4 DPLL can measure frequency by locking onto any input. It can also measure phase between the T0
selected reference and any input by setting the
T0CR1.T4MT0 bit.
Accurate measurement of frequency and phase can be accomplished using the DPLLs. The T0 DPLL is always
monitoring its selected reference, but the T4 DPLL can be configured as a high-resolution phase monitor. The
REFCLK signal accuracy after being adjusted with MCLKFREQ is used for the frequency reference. Software can
then connect the T4 DPLL to various input clocks on a rotating basis to measure phase between the T0 DPLL input
and another input. See the T4FORCE field of
MCR4.DPLL frequency measurements can be read from the FREQ field spanning registers
FREQ1, FREQ2, and
FREQ3.This field indicates the frequency of the selected reference for either the T0 DPLL or the T4 DPLL, depending on
the setting of the T4T0 bit in
MCR11. This frequency measurement has a resolution of 0.0003068ppm over a
±80ppm range. The value read from the FREQ field is the DPLL’s integral path value, which is an averaged
measurement with an averaging time inversely proportional to DPLL bandwidth.
DPLL phase measurements can be read from the PHASE field spanning registers
PHASE1 and
PHASE2. This
field indicates the phase difference seen by the phase detector for either the T0 DPLL or the T4 DPLL, depending
on the setting of the T4T0 bit in
MCR11. This phase measurement has a resolution of approximately 0.703 degrees
and is internally averaged with a -3dB attenuation point of approximately 100Hz. Thus, for low DPLL bandwidths
the PHASE field gives input phase wander in the frequency band from the DPLL corner frequency up to 100Hz.
This information could be used by software to compute a crude MTIE measurement.
For the T0 DPLL the PHASE field always indicates the phase difference between the selected reference and the
internal feedback clock. The T4 DPLL, however, can be configured to measure the phase difference between two
input clocks. When
T0CR1:T4MT0 = 1, the T4 DPLL locking capability is disabled and the T4 phase detector is
configured to compare the T0 DPLL selected reference with another input by using the T4FORCE field of
MCR4.This feature can be used, for example, to measure the phase difference between the T0 DPLL’s selected reference
and its next highest priority reference. Software could compute MTIE and TDEV with respect to the T0 DPLL
selected reference for any or all the other input clocks.
When comparing the phase of the T0 selected references and a T4 forced input by setting
T0CR1:T4MT0 = 1,
several details must be considered. In this mode, the T4 path receives a copy of the T0 selected reference, either
directly or through a divider to 8kHz. If the T4 selected reference is divided down to 8kHz using LOCK8K or DIVN
modes (see Section
7.4.2), the copy of the T0 selected reference is also divided down to 8kHz. If the T4 selected
reference is configured for direct-lock mode, the copy of the T0 selected reference is not divided down and must be
the same frequency as the T4 forced input. See
Table 7-5 for more details. (While
T0CR1:T4MT0 = 1, the T0 path
continues to lock to the T0 selected reference in the manner specified in the corresponding
ICR register.)