Characteristics for Timing and Power
Samsung ASIC
The second string, ‘a(chǎn)ppl_code’, means the specific application to suitably support the compiled memory and
the application code is one of HD (High-Density), LP (Low-Power) and HS (High-Speed). In STDM110
compiled memory, the high-speed compiled memory is not supported as another library set. Instead, the
high-density compiled memory can be applied for the high-performance application.
The third string, ‘opt_code’, represents the number of read and write ports for multi-port memory and the
option code is composed of the following convention:
opt_code = <n>r<m>w
Currently this field is only used for ARFRAM, where n is the total number of read ports (1~2) and m is the
total number of write ports (1~2). The last string, ‘config_code’, represents the configuration of the memory
to be specified. This configuration code is composed of the following convention:
<WORD> x <BPW> m <YMUX> b <BANK>
Here, WORD is the word depth, BPW is bit per word, YMUX is the available column mux type and BANK is
the number of bank to be used. For example, ‘spsram_hd_1024x32m16b2’ refers to a High-Density
single-port synchronous SRAM with 1024 words, 32 bits, 16 column mux and 2 bank. Second,
‘a(chǎn)rfram_hd_1r2w_32x32m2’ refers to a High-Density three-port (1 read/2 write) asynchronous register file
with 32 word, 32 bits and 2 column mux and ‘spsram_lp_1024x32m16b2’ refers to a Low-Power single-port
synchronous SRAM with 1024 words, 32 bits, 16 column mux and 2 bank.
STDM110-HD compiled memory is only supported at 2.5V supply voltage whereas STDM110-LP compiled
memory is supported at both 2.5V supply voltage and 1.8V supply voltage. Compiled memory in this section
has been characterized using typical-case at 25 degree and 2.5V supply. The values of worst-case or
best-case can be derived by using derating factors provided in Chapter 1.
For the timing characteristics, 2-dimensional table look-up model has been adopted to yield more accuracy.
Based on the combination of input slopes and output loads, the propagation delay is measured from the
input crossing 50% VDD to the output crossing 50% VDD. The timing values reported in the tables are also
taken from the same voltage level as the switching characteristics with 0.2ns for input slope and
10SL(Standard Load) for output load.
For the power characteristics, the average power consumption is measured on the condition that input slope
is 0.2ns and output load is 10SL. Also, the power consumption depends on input switching activity. The
power values reported in the tables are also taken from 50% input switching activity. For compiled memory
macrocells, average read power consumption, average write power consumption and average standby
power consumption are available, except that the standby power consumption is not available in ARFRAM
and FIFO. Average standby power consumption is measured on the condition that CSN (Chip Select
Negative) is in disable mode and other signals are in normal operation mode. If any of signals are activated
while in standby mode, the power will be consumed because the input switching activities are occurred by
the signal transition. Therefore, to reduce unnecessary power consumption, you should keep stable for all
signals while disabling CSN signal, if possible. In dual-port memory, the average power consumption is
measured on the condition that only one port is in active mode and the other port is isolated.