PEB 3445 E
TE3-MUX Overview
Data Sheet
Multiplexing/demultiplexing of seven DS2 into/from M13 asynchronous format
according to ANSI T1.107, ANSI T1.107a
Multiplexing/demultiplexing of seven DS2 into/from C-bit parity format according to
ANSI T1.107, ITU-T G.704
DS3 framing according to ANSI T1.107, T1.107a, ITU-T G.704
Support of B3ZS encoded signals
Provides access to the DS3 overhead bits and the DS3 stuffing bits via a serial clock
and data interface (overhead interface)
Insertion and Extraction of alarms according to ANSI T1.404 (remote alarm, AIS, far
end receive failure)
Supports HDLC (Path Maintenance Data Link) and bit oriented message mode (Far
End Alarm and Control Channel) in C-bit parity mode. An integrated signalling
controller provides 2x32 byte deep FIFO’s for each direction of both channels.
Detection of AIS and idle signal in presence of BER 10
Detection of excessive zeroes and LOS
Alarm and performance monitoring with 16-bit counters for line code violations,
excessive zeroes, parity error (P-bit), framing errors (F-bit errors with or without M-bit
errors, far end block error (FEBE-bit) and CP-bit errors.
Automatic insertion of severely errored frame and AIS defect indication
M23 Multiplexer and DS3 Framer
Multiplexing/Demultiplexing of four asynchronous DS1 bit streams into/from M13
asynchronous format
Multiplexing/Demultiplexing of 3 E1 signals into/from ITU G.747 compliant DS2 signal.
DS2 line loopback detection/generation
Framing according to ANSI T1.107, T1.107a or ITU-T G.747
Insertion and extraction of X-bit
Insertion and Extraction of alarms (remote alarm, AIS)
Detection of AIS in presence of BER 10
Alarm and performance monitoring (framing bit errors, parity errors)
Reframe time below 7ms (TR-TSY-000009) for DS2 format and below 1 ms for ITU
G.747 format
Bit Stuffing/Destuffing in M12 multiplex format or C-bit parity format
Insertion of AIS in lieu of low speed tributaries
M12 Multiplexer and DS2 Framer
User specified PRBS or Fixed Pattern with programmable length of 2 to 32 bits and
programmable feedback tap (PRBS only)
Optional Bit Inversion
Two error insertion modes: Single or programmable bit rates
Bit Error Rate Tester