Auto LMI: Instructs the device to enter the Auto LMI Mode of operation.
Auto LMI with UPARM=0 causes the device to enter User mode of operation.
Auto LMI with UPARM=1 causes the device to enter Network mode of operation.
Auto LMI with UPARM=2 causes the device to enter Bi-directional mode of operation
These modes are defined in sections 3.2.7 and 3.2.8 (Modes of Protocol Operation)
Valid only in INFORMATION TRANSFER phase. See also Start primitive.
Start Timer nT1(UPARM=0): Instructs the MK50H28 to start the nT1 (User) timer.
Issuing this primitive while in the User mode of Auto LMI operation may lead to erroneous
results. Not valid in TRANSPARENT Mode.
Enable LMI Channel Polling (UPARM=2): Instructs the MK50H28 to start polling the
LMI Channel (Context Table Entry 0) for any LMI frames to be transmitted. The type of
LMI frame to be transmitted will be determined by the Frame Type bits in the TMD0 (see
section The polling of the LMI Channel will be interleaved between polling each
other CT Entry or channel, thus giving the LMI Channel a high degree of priority.
Disable LMI Channel Polling (UPARM=3): Instructs the MK50H28 to stop polling of the
LMI Channel. The default initialization condition of the MK50H28 is for LMI Channel
Polling to be disabled, so this primitive only need be issued if polling was enabled earlier.
Start Timer nT2: Instructs the MK50H28 to start the nT2 (Network) timer. Issuing this
primitive while in the Network mode of Auto LMI operation may lead to erroneous results.
Not valid in TRANSPARENT Mode.
LMI STATUS_ENQUIRY Request: Instructs the MK50H28 to send a
STATUS_ENQUIRY frame to the remote site (network). If UPARM = 1, will request
Sequence Numbers only. Otherwise, requests Full STATUS frame. Not valid in
LMI STATUS Request: Instructs the MK50H28 to send a STATUS frameto the remote
site (user).
If UPARM=0, it will send a FULL STATUS frame with the data in the associated LMI
Channel buffer (this is a typical response to a received STATUS ENQUIRY with Report‘
If UPARM = 1, it will send a Sequence Numbers Only (LIV Only) frame.
If UPARM=2, it will send an Aysnchronous STATUS frame with the data in the associated
LMI Channel buffer. Not valid in TRANSPARENT Mode.
LMI UPDATE_STATUS Request: Instructs MK50H28 to send UPDATE_STATUS frame
with the data in the associated LMI Channel buffer. Not valid in TRANSPARENT Mode.
Receive LMI Full Status Enquiry Request (UPRIM =13, UPARM=0); Instructs the
MK50H28 to cause the next received Sequence Number Only (LIV Only) Status Enquiry
Frame to be received to a buffer, as if it were a FULL STATUS ENQUIRY Frame.
However, the statistics corresponding to the actual type of frame received wil be
incremented No response frame will be automatically generated by the MK50H28.
Issueing UPRIM 13 with UPARM =1 prior to receipt of the next LIV Only Status Enquiry
Frame will cancel the action originally requested by the Receive LMI Full Status Enquiry
Request Primitive.
Send LMI: Instructs the chip to send a frame using the contents of the buffer(s) pointed to
by the Context Table LMI Channel (either 0 or 1023 based upon the setting of
LMI CH bit in CSR2). The frame will be transmitted using the header information from
the Context Table LMI Channel. Valid in all Phases of operation except for STOPPED
mode. NOTE: Only one frame will be transmitted per Send LMI primitive.
Indicate Protocol Event: This primitive can be used by the host to inform the MK50H28
of errored events not monitored by the chip (such as a received PVC status IE with New
bit=0 for a PVC not currently defined)
If UPARM=0, it instructs the MK50H28 to add one good event to the N392/nN2 count.
If UPARM=1, it instructs the MK50H28 to add one errored event to the N392/nN2 count.