Embedded Master/Target PCI Interface
Data Sheet
March 2000
L Lucent Technologies Inc.
PCI Bus Core Target Controller Detailed
Clocking Options at FPGA/Embedded Core
The OR3TP12 PCI bus core is divided into two clock
domains by two sets of dual-port FIFOs, one set dedi-
cated to each Target and Master function. The FPGA
supplies at least one clock, while the PCI bus provides
the second clock (
The Master and Target FIFOs interface are always
independently clocked on the FPGA side by either
. The clocks used for the Master FIFO
and Target FIFO interfaces to the FPGA application
can be independent when the interface is configured in
quad-port mode, but they must use the same clock sig-
nal for dual-port mode. For dual-port, only one clock
port is active while the other is tied inactive.
All transfers to/from the FIFO interfaces are synchro-
nized to
. Which port is used for syn-
chronization is decided by the FPSC configuration
manager for the Master and Target FIFO interfaces.
The ORCAFoundry software will minimize the clock
skew between the FFs involved in the data transfers
and the appropriate synchronized clock port. The clock
delay from the clock source to the
port usually
does not affect transfer across the Master or Target
FIFO interface, since the interface is referenced from
the clock port (
) and not the clock source
Figure 34 illustrates the special clock paths provided to
service the clocking needs of OR3TP12. The various
clocking options shown in Figure 34 are discussed
PCI Clock as Interface Clock
The clock received from the PCI bus can be brought
across the embedded core into the FPGA logic section
and used as the clock for the entire OR3TP12, and
even as the clock for the entire board on which the
OR3TP12 resides. It is important that this signal be
obtained via the embedded PCI bus core only since
PCI rules allow for one load per agent on the PCI bus
clock. The OR3TP12 incorporates a clock tree for dis-
tributing the PCI clock; these lines are hard-connected
in the PCI bus core's circuitry and are passed up onto
the FPGA portion's clock grid. From there, the clock
can feed all PFUs, PIOs,
, and off-chip
Local Clock as Interface Clock
The FIFO interface between the PCI bus core and the
FPGA must use clocks sourced from the FPGA array.
The Master and Target FIFO interfaces each have inde-
pendent clock nets (
) and can be connected to
the same or separate clocks. Both the Master and Tar-
get FIFO interface can be independently configured to
use any clock located in the FPGA, or provided exter-
The clocks for the Master and Target FIFO Interface are
fed from specific vertical clock spines, namely, the
spines in PLC columns five and 13. Consequently, min-
imum clock net delay is obtained by feeding external
clocks from I/O pads in locations on the top of the array
near these splines. Depending on which spline (
) is used to distribute the clock to the Master
and Target FIFO Interface, it is recommended to use a
PIO that lies in that same column as the spline. For
(which lies in column 13), use a PIO in PT13A-
PT14D. For
(which lies in column five), use a PIO
in PT5A-PT6D. If the user chooses the FAST_CLOCK
or EXPRESS_CLOCK as a source for the OR3TP12
clock, additional clock delay may be introduced. Never-
theless, clocks can be fed from any I/O pad, from
express clock inputs, or from internal logic, and can be
fed via the PCM.