Rev. A | Page 62 of 112
VDP_CGMS_WSS_CHNGD_CLR, Address 0x4F [2],
User Sub Map
1—Clears the VDP_CGMS_WSS_CHNGD_Q bit.
Address 0x4F [4], User Sub Map
1—Clears the VDP_GS_VPS_PDC_UTC_CHNG_Q bit.
VDP_VITC_CLR, Address 0x4F [6], User Sub Map
1—Clears the VDP_VITC_Q bit.
The standard detection and identification (STDI) block of the
ADV7184 monitors the synchronization signals received on the
SOY pin. STDI_LINE_COUNT_MODE must be set to 1 to enable
the STDI block and achieve valid synchronization signal analysis.
Four key measurements are performed:
Block Length BL [13:0]. This is the number of clock cycles in
a block of eight lines. From this, the time duration of one line
can be concluded. Note that the crystal frequency determines
the clock cycle and that a crystal frequency of 28.63636 MHz
should be used for the ADV7184.
Line Count in Field LCF [10:0]. The LCF [10:0] readback
value is the number of lines between two vsyncs, that is,
over one field.
Line Count in Vsync LCVS [4:0]. The LCVS [4:0] readback
value is the number of lines within one vsync period.
Field Length FCL [12:0]. This is the number of clock cycles
in 1/256th of a field. Multiplying this value by 256 calculates
the field length in clock cycles.
By interpreting these four parameters, it is possible to
distinguish among the types of input signals.
A data valid flag, STDI_VALID, is provided that is held low
during the measurements. The four parameters should only be
read after the STDI_VALID flag has gone high. Refer to
Table 76for information on the readback values.
Types of synchronization pulses include horizontal
synchronization pulses, equalization and serration
pulses, and Macrovision pulses.
Macrovision pseudosynchronization and AGC pulses are
counted by the STDI block in normal readback mode. This
does not prohibit the identification of the video signal.
The ADV7184 only measures the parameters; it does not take
any action based on these measurements. Therefore, the part
helps to identify the input to avoid problems in the scheduling
of a system controller, but it does not reconfigure itself.
STDI_DVALID, Standard Identification Data Valid Read
Back, Address 0xB1 [7]
X—This bit is set by the ADV7184 as soon as the measurements
of the STDI block are finished. A high level signals the validity
of the BL, LCVS, LCF, and STDI_INTLCD parameters. To
prevent false readouts, especially during the signal acquisition,
the DVALID bit only goes high after recording four fields with
the same length. As a result, the measurements can require up
to five fields to finish.
STDI_LINE_COUNT_MODE, Address 0x86 [3]
0 (default)—Disables the STDI functionality.
1—Enables STDI functionality. This enables valid readback of
the STDI block registers.
BL [13:0], Block Length Readback, Address 0xB1 [5:0],
Address 0xB2 [7:0]
XX XXXX XXXX XXXX—Number of clock cycles in a block of
eight lines of incoming video. Data is only valid if STDI_DVALID
is high.
LCVS [4:0], Line Count in Vsync Readback,
Address 0xB3 [7:3]
X XXXX—Number of lines within a vertical synchronization
period. Data is only valid if STDI_DVALID is high.
LCF [10:0], Line Count in Field Readback,
Address 0xB3 [2:0], Address 0xB4 [7:0]
XX XXXX XXXX—Number of lines between two vsyncs per
one field/frame. Data is only valid if STDI_DVALID is high.
FCL [12:0], 1/256th of Field Length in Number of Crystal
Clocks Read back, Address 0xCA [4:0], Address 0xCB [7:0]
XXX—Number of crystal clocks (with the recommended
28.63636 MHz frequency) in 1/256th of a field. Data is only valid
if STDI_DVALID is high.