System Design Information
MPC5125 Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
System Design Information
Power Up/Down Sequencing
Power sequencing between the 1.4 V power supply VDD and the remaining supplies is required to prevent excessive current
during power-up phase.
The required power sequence is as follows:
Use 12 V/ms or slower time for all supplies.
Power up VDD_IO, AVDD_PLLs, VBAT (if not applied permanently), and VDD_IO_MEM supplies first in any order, and
then power up VDD. If required AVDD_FUSEWR should be powered up afterwards.
All the supplies must reach the specified operating conditions before the PORESET can be released.
For power down, drop AVDD_FUSEWR to 0 V first, drop VDD to 0 V, and then drop all other supplies.
VDD should not exceed VDD_IO, VDD_IO_MEM, VBAT, or AVDD_PLLs by more than 0.4 V at any time, including
System and CPU Core AVDD Power Supply Filtering
Each of the independent PLL power supplies require filtering external to the device.
Figure 49 shows a recommendation for the
required filter circuit.
Each circuit should be placed as close as possible to the specific AVDD pin being supplied to minimize noise coupled from
nearby circuits.
All traces should be as low impedance as possible, especially ground pins to the ground plane.
The filter for system/core PLLVDD to VSS should be connected to the power and ground planes, respectively, not fingers of the
In addition to keeping the filter components for system/core PLLVDD as close as practical to the body of the MPC5125 as
previously mentioned, special care should be taken to avoid coupling switching power supply noise or digital switching noise
onto the portion of that supply between the filter and the MPC5125.
The capacitors for C2 in the figure below should be rated X5R or better due to temperature performance. It is recommended to
add a bypass capacitance of at least 1 F for the VBAT pin.
Figure 49. Power Supply Filtering
Connection Recommendations
To ensure reliable operation, connect unused inputs to an appropriate signal level. Unused active low inputs should be tied to
VDD_IO. Unused active high inputs should be connected to VSS. All NC (no-connect) signals must remain unconnected.
Power and ground connections must be made to all external VDD and VSS pins of the MPC5125.
The unused AVDD_FUSEWR power should be connected to VSS directly or via a resistor.
For DDR or LPDDR modes, the unused pins VTT[3:0] for DDR2 termination voltage can be unconnected.
AVDD device pin
Power supply
R1= 10
C1= 1 F
C2= 0.1 F