PS CGMS Data Registers 2–0
[Subaddress 21h, 22h, 23h]
PS CGMS is available in 525p mode conforming to CGMS-A
EIA-J CPR1204-1, transfer method of video ID information using
vertical blanking interval (525p system), March 1998, and
IEC61880, 1998, Video systems (525/60)—video and accom-
panied data using the vertical blanking interval—analog interface.
When PS CGMS is enabled [Subaddress 12h, Bit 6 = 1], CGMS
data is inserted on line 41. The PS CGMS data registers are at
Addresses 21h, 22h, and 23h.
SD CGMS Data Registers 2–0
[Subaddress 59h, 5Ah, 5Bh]
The ADV7310/ADV7311 supports Copy Generation Manage-
ment System (CGMS), conforming to the standard. CGMS
data is transmitted on Line 20 of the odd fields and Line 283 of
even fields. Bits C/W05 and C/W06 control whether or not
CGMS data is output on odd and even fields. CGMS data can
be transmitted only when the ADV7310/ADV7311 is configured
in NTSC mode. The CGMS data is 20 bits long, and the func-
tion of each of these bits is as shown in the following table. The
CGMS data is preceded by a reference pulse of the same ampli-
tude and duration as a CGMS bit; see Figure 63.
HD/PS CGMS [Address 12h, Bit 6]
The ADV7310/ADV7311 supports Copy Generation Management
System (CGMS) in HDTV mode (720p and 1080i) in accor-
dance with EIAJ CPR-1204-2.
The HD CGMS data registers are to be found at address 021h,
22h, 23h.
Function of CGMS Bits
Word 0–6 bits; Word 1–4 bits; Word 2–6 bits; CRC 6 bits CRC
polynomial = x
6 + x + 1 (preset to 111111)
720p System
CGMS data is applied to Line 24 of the luminance vertical
blanking interval.
1080i System
CGMS data is applied to Line 19 and on Line 582 of the lumi-
nance vertical blanking interval.
CGMS Functionality
If SD CGMS CRC [Address 59h, Bit 4] or PS/HD CGMS CRC
[Subaddress 12h, Bit 7] is set to a Logic 1, the last six bits,
C19–C14, which comprise the 6-bit CRC check sequence, are
calculated automatically on the ADV7310/ADV7311 based on
the lower 14 bits (C0–C13) of the data in the data registers and
output with the remaining 14 bits to form the complete 20 bits
of the CGMS data. The calculation of the CRC sequence is
based on the polynomial x
6 + x + 1 with a preset value of 111111.
If SD CGMS CRC [Address 59h, Bit 4] and PS/HD CGMS
CRC [Address 12h, Bit 7] is set to a Logic 0, all 20 bits (C0–C19)
are output directly from the CGMS registers (no CRC is calcu-
lated, must be calculated by the user).
Table XVIII.
Aspect ratio
Display format
B4, B5, B6
Identification information about video
and other signals (e.g., audio)
B7, B8, B9, B10
Identification signal incidental to Word 0
B11, B12, B13, B14
Identification signal and information
incidental to Word 0