Functional Description
SCSI Bus Interface
SYM53C875/875E Data Manual
SCSI Bus Interface
T he SYM53C875 supports both single-ended and
differential operation.
All SCSI signals are active low. T he SYM53C875
contains the single-ended output drivers and can
be connected directly to the SCSI bus. Each out-
put is isolated from the power supply to ensure
that a powered-down SYM53C875 has no effect
on an active SCSI bus (CMOS “voltage feed-
through” phenomena). TolerANT technology pro-
vides signal filtering at the inputs of SREQ/ and
SACK / to increase immunity to signal reflections.
Differential Mode
In differential mode, the SDIR (15-0), SDIRP
(1-0), IGS, T GS, RST DIR, BSYDIR, and
SELDIR signals control the direction of external
differential-pair transceivers. T he SYM53C875 is
placed in differential mode by setting the DIF bit,
bit 5 of the ST EST 2 register (4Eh). Setting this bit
tri-states the BSY/, SEL/, and RST / pads so they
can be used as pure input pins. In addition to the
standard SCSI lines, the following signals are used
during differential operation by the SYM53C875:
See Figure 2-3 for an example differential wiring
diagram, in which the SYM53C875 is connected
to the T I 75LBC976 differential transceiver. T he
recommended value of the pull-up resistor on the
REQ/, ACK /, MSG/, C/D/, I/O/, AT N/, SD0-7/,
and SDP0/ lines is 680
when the Active Nega-
tion portion of Symbios TolerANT technology is
not enabled. When TolerANT is enabled, the rec-
ommended resistor value on the REQ/, ACK /,
SD7-0/, and SDP0/ signals is 1.5 K
. T he electri-
cal characteristics of these pins change when Toler-
ANT is enabled, permitting a higher resistor value.
To interface the SYM53C875 to the SN75976A,
connect the DIR pins, as well as IGS and T GS, of
the SYM53C875 directly to the transceiver
enables (nDE/RE/). T hese signals control the
direction of the channels on the SN75976A.
T he SCSI bi-directional control and data pins
(SD7-0/, SDP0/, REQ/, ACK /, MSG/, I_O/,
C_D/, and AT N/) of the SYM53C875 connect to
the bi-directional data pins (nA) of the SN75976A
with a pull-up resistor. T he pull-up value should be
no lower than the transceiver I
can tolerate, but
not so high as to cause RC timing problems. T he
three remaining pins, SEL/, BSY/, and RST / are
connected to the SN75976A with a pull-down
Active high signals used to enable the differential drivers as outputs for SCSI signals BSY/,
SEL/, and RST /, respectively
Active high signals used to control direction of the differential drivers for SCSI data and par-
ity lines, respectively
Active high signal used to control direction of the differential driver for initiator group sig-
nals AT N/ and ACK /
Active high signal used to control direction of the differential drivers for target group signals
MSG/, C/D/, I/O/, and REQ/
Input to the
used to detect the presence of a single-ended device on a differ-
ential system. If a logical zero is detected on this pin, then it is assumed that a single-ended
device is on the bus and all SCSI outputs will be tri-stated to avoid damage to the trans-