s Manual U14701EJ3V0UD
17.5 LCD Controller/Driver Settings
Set the LCD controller/driver as follows:
When using the
PD78F0338, specify whether P80/S32 to P87/S39 and P90/S24 to P97/S31 are used as
segment output pins or port output pins, by using pin function switching registers 8 and 9 (PF8 and PF9).
Specify the display mode of the segment output pins (S0 to S11) by using static/dynamic display switching
register 3 (SDSEL3).
Set the displayed default value to the LCD display data area (bits 0 to 3) of the LCD display RAM. The
addresses and capacity of the LCD display RAM that can be used in each device are as follows:
PD780316, 780318:
FA00H to FA17H (24 bytes)
PD780326, 780328:
FA00H to FA1FH (32 bytes)
PD780336, 780338, 78F0338: FA00H to FA27H (40 bytes)
To use the blinking function, set the corresponding bit of the blinking select bit area (bits 4 to 7) in the LCD
display RAM to 1.
Specify the display mode using bit 0 (LCDM0) of LCD display mode register 3 (LCDM3).
Select the source clock and frame frequency of the LCD using LCD clock control register 3 (LCDC3).
Set bit 5 (VLCON) of LCD display mode register 3 (LCDM3) to 1 to start the operation of the booster circuit.
Make sure that a wait time of 500 ms or longer elapses with software.
Set bit 6 (SCOC) of LCD display mode register 3 (LCDM3) to 1 so that unselect waveform is output to the
segment pins and common pins.
To use the blinking function, select a blinking cycle of 0.5 s or 1.0 s by using bit 4 (BLSEL) of LCD display
mode register 3 (LCDM3).
(10) Set bit 7 (LCDON) of LCD display mode register 3 (LCDM3) to 1 to set the display to ON. To blink the LCD,
set bit 3 (BLON) of LCD display mode register 3 (LCDM3) to 1 to set the display to ON.
Then, set data to the display data memory and timing of the blinking display according to the data to be displayed.