coordinate +
2.5 ms ) 2 tPVS ) tPRE ) tSNS ) 2NAVG NBITS
) 4.4 ms
coordinate +
4.75 ms ) 3 tPVS ) tPRE ) tSNS ) 4NAVG NBITS
) 4.4 ms
SLAS394 – JULY 2003
Conversion Controlled by TSC2302 Initiated at Touch Detect
In this mode, the TSC2302 detects when the touch panel is touched and causes the PENIRQ line to go low. At
the same time, the TSC2302 powers up its internal clock. It then turns on the Y-drivers, and after a programmed
panel voltage stabilization time, powers up the ADC and convert the Y coordinate. If averaging is selected,
several conversions may take place; when data averaging is complete, the Y coordinate result is stored in the Y
This mode is recommended to fully utilize the integrated touch screen processing of the TSC2302 and reduce
the processing overhead and number of interrupts to the host processor. In this mode, the host processor does
not need to monitor PENIRQ, instead the host needs only to configure the TSC2302 once at power-up, and then
monitor DAV and read back data after a falling edge on DAV.
If the screen is still touched at this time, the X-drivers are enabled, and the process repeats, but measures
instead the X coordinate, storing the result in the X register.
If only X and Y coordinates are to be measured, then the conversion process is complete. Figure 46 shows a
flowchart for this process. The time it takes to go through this process depends upon the selected resolution,
internal conversion clock rate, averaging selected, panel voltage stabilization time, and precharge and sense
The time needed to get a complete X/Y coordinate reading can be calculated by:
tcoordinate = time to complete X/Y coordinate reading;
tPVS = panel voltage stabilization time, as given in Table 10;
tPRE = precharge time, as given in Table 17;
tSNS = sense time, as given in Table 18;
NAVG = number of averages, as given in Table 8; for no averaging, NAVG = 1;
NBITS = number of bits of resolution, as given in Table 7;
fconv = A/D converter clock frequency, as given in Table 9.
If the pressure of the touch is also to be measured, the process continues after the X-conversion is complete,
measuring the Z1 and Z2 values, and placing them in the Z1 and Z2 registers. This process is illustrated in
Figure 47. As before, this process time depends upon the settings described above. The time for a complete
X/Y/Z1/Z2 coordinate reading is given by: