Data Sheet
May 1998
T7689 5.0 V T1 Quad Line Interface
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Jitter Attenuator
Jitter Attenuator Enable
Jitter Attenuator Receive Path Enable (JAR)
When the jitter attenuator receive bit is set (JAR = 1),
the attenuator is enabled in the receive data path
between the clock/data recovery and the decoder (see
Figure 1). Under this condition, the jitter characteristics
of the jitter attenuator apply for the receiver. When
JAR = 0, the clock/data recovery outputs bypass the
disabled attenuator and directly enter the decoder func-
tion. The receive path will then exhibit the jitter charac-
teristics of the clock recovery function as described in
the Jitter section. If CDR = 0 (register 5, bit 0), the JAR
bit is ignored because clock recovery will be disabled.
Jitter Attenuator Transmit Path Enable (JAT)
When the jitter attenuator transmit bit is set (JAT = 1),
the attenuator is enabled in the transmit data path
between the encoder and the pulse-width controller/
pulse equalizer (see Figure 1). Under this condition,
the jitter characteristics of the jitter attenuator apply for
the transmitter. When JAT = 0, the encoder outputs
bypass the disabled attenuator and directly enter the
pulse-width controller/pulse equalizer. The transmit
path will then pass all jitter from TCLK to line interface
outputs TTIP/TRING.
The device has three independent loopback paths that
are activated using LOOPA and LOOPB (registers 6 to
9, bits 3 and 4) as shown in Table 9. The locations of
these loopbacks are illustrated in Figure 1.
Table 9. Loopback Control
* During the transmit blue signal condition, the looped data will be
the transmitted data from the system and not the all-1s signal.
Transmit blue signal request is ignored.
Full Local Loopback (FLLOOP)
A full local loopback (FLLOOP) connects the transmit
line driver input to the receiver analog front-end cir-
cuitry. Valid transmit output data continues to be sent to
the network. If the transmit blue signal (all-1s signal) is
sent to the network, the looped data is not affected.
The ALOS alarm continues to monitor the receive line
interface signal while DLOS monitors the looped data.
Remote Loopback (RLOOP)
A remote loopback (RLOOP) connects the recovered
clock and retimed data to the transmitter at the system
interface and sends the data back to the line. The
receiver front end, clock/data recovery, encoder/
decoder (if enabled) jitter attenuator (if enabled), and
transmit driver circuitry are all exercised during this
loopback. The transmit clock, transmit data, and TBS
inputs are ignored. Valid receive output data continues
to be sent to the system interface. This loopback mode
is very useful for isolating failures between systems.
Digital Local Loopback (DLLOOP)
A digital local loopback (DLLOOP) connects the trans-
mit clock and data through the encoder/decoder pair to
the receive clock and data output pins at the system
interface. This loopback is operational if the encoder/
decoder pair is enabled or disabled. The blue signal
can be transmitted without any effect on the looped sig-
Full Local Loopback
Remote Loopback
Digital Local Loopback