Lucent Technologies Inc.
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet
March 2000
Embedded Master/Target PCI Interface
PLC Logic
Each PFU within a PLC contains eight 4-input (16-bit)
LUTs, eight latches/flip-flops (FFs), and one additional
flip-flop that may be used independently or with arith-
metic functions.
The PFU is organized in a twin-quad fashion: two sets
of four LUTs and FFs that can be controlled indepen-
dently. LUTs may also be combined for use in arith-
metic functions using fast-carry chain logic in either
4-bit or 8-bit modes. The carry-out of either mode may
be registered in the ninth FF for pipelining. Each PFU
may also be configured as a synchronous 32
single- or dual-port RAM or ROM. The FFs (or latches)
may obtain input from LUT outputs or directly from
invertible PFU inputs, or they can be tied high or tied
low. The FFs also have programmable clock polarity,
clock enables, and local set/reset.
The SLIC is connected to PLC routing resources and to
the outputs of the PFU. It contains 3-state, bidirectional
buffers and logic to perform up to a 10-bit AND function
for decoding, or an AND-OR with optional INVERT AOI
to perform PAL-like functions. The 3-state drivers in the
SLIC and their direct connections to the PFU outputs
make fast, true 3-state buses possible within the FPGA
logic, reducing required routing and allowing for real-
world system performance.
PIC Logic
The Series 3T PIC addresses the demand for ever-
increasing system clock speeds. Each PIC contains
four programmable inputs/outputs (PIOs) and routing
resources. On the input side, each PIO contains a fast-
capture latch that is clocked by an
. This
latch is followed by a latch/FF that is clocked by a sys-
tem clock from the internal general clock routing. The
combination provides for very low setup requirements
and zero-hold times for signals coming on-chip. It may
also be used to demultiplex an input signal, such as a
multiplexed address/data signal, and register the sig-
nals without explicitly building a demultiplexer. Two
input signals are available to the PLC array from each
PIO, and the ORCA Series 2 capability to use any input
pin as a clock or other global input is maintained.
On the output side of each PIO, two outputs from the
PLC array can be routed to each output flip-flop, and
logic can be associated with each I/O pad. The output
logic associated with each pad allows for multiplexing
of output signals and other functions of two output sig-
The output FF, in combination with output signal multi-
plexing, is particularly useful for registering address
signals to be multiplexed with data, allowing a full clock
cycle for the data to propagate to the output. The I/O
buffer associated with each pad is the same as the
ORCA Series 3T buffer.
System Features
The Series 3 also provides system-level functionality
by means of its dual-use microprocessor interface
(MPI) and its innovative PCM. These functional blocks
allow for easy glueless system interfacing and the
capability to adjust to varying conditions in today’s
high-speed systems. Since these and all other Series
3T features are available in every Series 3+ FPSC,
they can also interface to the embedded core providing
for easier system integration.