EP1 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D5)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D5 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following. EP1 has a two-layer FIFO, and the packet
ready bits are present independently for layer A and layer B. The switching between these two layers is performed
automatically by the ML60851D. For detailed description of double layered FIFO operation, please refer to page
77 of this manual.
Bit name
Asserting condition
Action when asserted
EP1 Transmit packet ready (D5)
When the local MCU has set the bits
of both layer A and layer B.
Data transmission is possible from
EP1 when the bit for at least one of
layer A and layer B has been
Bit name
Deasserting condition
Action when deasserted
EP1 Transmit packet ready (D5)
When an ACK is received from the
host computer for the data
transmission from either layer A or
layer B.
EP1 is locked when both layer A and
layer B have not prepared the
transmit data.
See the explanation of the operation of the two-layer FIFO given in the Section on ‘Functional Description’.
EP2 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D6)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D6 bit.
The conditions of asserting and negating this bit are the following.
Bit name
Asserting condition
Action when asserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D6)
When the local MCU has set this bit.
Data transmission is possible from
Bit name
Deasserting condition
Action when deasserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D6)
When an ACK is received from the
host computer in response to the
data transmission from EP2.
EP2 is locked. In other words, an
NAK is transmitted automatically
when an IN token is received from
the host.
EP3 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D7)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D7 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following.
Bit name
Asserting condition
Action when asserted
EP3 Transmit packet ready (D7)
When the local MCU has set this bit.
Data transmission is possible from
Bit name
Deasserting condition
Action when deasserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D7)
When an ACK is received from the
host computer in response to the
data transmission from EP3.
EP3 is locked. In other words, an
NAK is transmitted automatically
when an IN token is received from
the host.