Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 32 of 92
During any given PFD cycle, the detector either adds water with
the fill bucket or removes water with the drain bucket (one or the
other but not both). The decision of whether to add or remove
water depends on the threshold level specified by the user. The
phase lock threshold value is a 16-bit number stored in the profile
registers and is expressed in picoseconds (ps). Thus, the phase lock
threshold extends from 0 ns to ±65.535 ns and represents the
magnitude of the phase error at the output of the PFD.
The phase lock detector compares each phase error sample at
the output of the PFD to the programmed phase threshold value.
If the absolute value of the phase error sample is less than or equal
to the programmed phase threshold value, then the detector
control logic dumps one fill bucket into the tub. Otherwise, it
removes one drain bucket from the tub. Note that it is not the
polarity of the phase error sample, but its magnitude relative to
the phase threshold value, that determines whether to fill or drain.
If more filling is taking place than draining, the water level in
the tub eventually rises above the high water mark (+1024),
which causes the phase lock detector to indicate lock. If more
draining is taking place than filling, then the water level in the tub
eventually falls below the low water mark (1024), which causes
the phase lock detector to indicate unlock. The ability to specify
the threshold level, fill rate, and drain rate enables the user to
tailor the operation of the phase lock detector to the statistics of
the timing jitter associated with the input reference signal.
Note that whenever the
AD9557 enters the free run or holdover
mode, the DPLL phase lock detector indicates an unlocked state.
However, when t
he AD9557 performs a reference switch, the
lock detector state prior to the switch is preserved during the
transition period.
DPLL Frequency Lock Detector
The operation of the frequency lock detector is identical to that
of the phase lock detector. The only difference is that the fill or
drain decision is based on the period deviation between the
reference and feedback signals of the DPLL instead of the phase
error at the output of the PFD.
The frequency lock detector uses a 24-bit frequency threshold
register specified in units of picoseconds (ps). Thus, the frequency
threshold value extends from 0 μs to ±16.777215 μs. It represents
the magnitude of the difference in period between the reference
and feedback signals at the input to the DPLL. For example,
if the reference signal is 1.25 MHz and the feedback signal is
1.38 MHz, then the period difference is approximately 75.36 ns
(|1/1,250,000 1/1,380,000| ≈ 75.36 ns).
Frequency Clamp
AD9557 DPLL features a digital tuning word clamp that
ensures that the DPLL output frequency stays within a defined
range. This feature is very useful to eliminate undesirable behavior
in cases where the reference input clocks may be unpredictable.
The tuning word clamp is also useful to guarantee that the APLL
never loses lock, by ensuring that the APLL VCO frequency
stays within its tuning range.
Frequency Tuning Word History
AD9557 has the ability to track the history of the tuning
word samples generated by the DPLL digital loop filter output.
It does so by periodically computing the average tuning word
value over a user-specified interval. This average tuning word is
used during holdover mode to maintain the average frequency
when no input references are present.
Switchover occurs when the loop controller switches directly
from one input reference to another. T
he AD9557 handles a
reference switchover by briefly entering holdover mode, loading
the new DPLL parameters, and then immediately recovering.
During the switchover event, however, th
e AD9557 preserves
the status of the lock detectors to avoid phantom unlock
The holdover state of the DPLL is typically used when none
of the input references are present, although the user can also
manually engage holdover mode. In holdover mode, the output
frequency remains constant. The accuracy of the
AD9557 in
holdover mode is dependent on the device programming and
availability of tuning word history.
Recovery from Holdover
When in holdover mode and a valid reference becomes available,
the device exits holdover operation. The loop state machine
restores the DPLL to closed-loop operation, locks to the selected
reference, and sequences the recovery of all the loop parameters
based on the profile settings for the active reference.
Note that, if the user holdover bit is set, the device does not
automatically exit holdover when a valid reference is available.
However, automatic recovery can occur after clearing the user
holdover bit (Bit 6 in Register 0x0A01).