Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 29 of 92
Two pairs of pins provide access to the reference clock receivers.
To accommodate input signals with slow rising and falling edges,
both the differential and single-ended input receivers employ
hysteresis. Hysteresis also ensures that a disconnected or
floating input does not cause the receiver to oscillate.
When configured for differential operation, the input receivers
accommodate either ac- or dc-coupled input signals. The input
receivers are capable of accepting dc-coupled LVDS and 2.5 V
and 3.3 V LVPECL signals. The receiver is internally dc biased
to handle ac-coupled operation, but there is no internal 50 or
100 termination.
When configured for single-ended operation, the input
receivers exhibit a pull-down load of 45 k (typical). Three
user-programmable threshold voltage ranges are available for
each single-ended receiver.
The accuracy of the input reference monitors depends on
a known and accurate system clock period. Therefore, the
functioning of the reference monitors is not operable until the
system clock is stable.
Reference Period Monitor
Each reference input has a dedicated monitor that repeatedly
measures the reference period. Th
e AD9557 uses the reference
period measurements to determine the validity of the reference
based on a set of user-provided parameters in the profile register
area of the register map.
The monitor works by comparing the measured period of a
particular reference input with the parameters stored in the profile
register assigned to that same reference input. The parameters
include the reference period, an inner tolerance, and an outer
tolerance. A 40-bit number defines the reference period in units
of femtoseconds (fs). The 40-bit range allows for a reference period
entry of up to 1.1 ms. A 20-bit number defines the inner and outer
tolerances. The value stored in the register is the reciprocal of the
tolerance specification. For example, a tolerance specification of
50 ppm yields a register value of 1/(50 ppm) = 1/0.000050 =
20,000 (0x04E20).
The use of two tolerance values provides hysteresis for the monitor
decision logic. The inner tolerance applies to a previously faulted
reference and specifies the largest period tolerance that a previously
faulted reference can exhibit before it qualifies as nonfaulted.
The outer tolerance applies to an already nonfaulted reference.
It specifies the largest period tolerance that a nonfaulted reference
can exhibit before being faulted.
To produce decision hysteresis, the inner tolerance must be less
than the outer tolerance. That is, a faulted reference must meet
tighter requirements to become nonfaulted than a nonfaulted
reference must meet to become faulted.
Reference Validation Timer
Each reference input has a dedicated validation timer. The
validation timer establishes the amount of time that a previously
faulted reference must remain unfaulted before the
AD9557declares it valid. The timeout period of the validation timer is
programmable via a 16-bit register. The 16-bit number stored in
the validation register represents units of milliseconds (ms),
which yields a maximum timeout period of 65,535 ms.
It is possible to disable the validation timer by programming the
validation timer to 0b. With the validation timer disabled, the
user must validate a reference manually via the manual
reference validation override controls register (Address
Reference Validation Override Control
The user also has the ability to override the reference validation
logic and can either force an invalid reference to be treated as valid,
or force a valid reference to be treated as an invalid reference.
These controls are in Register 0x0A0B to Register 0x0A0D.
AD9557 has an independent profile for each reference input.
A profile consists of a set of device parameters such as the R divider
and N divider, among others. The profiles allow the user to
prescribe the specific device functionality that should take effect
when one of the input references becomes the active reference.
AD9557 evaluation software includes a frequency planning
wizard that can configure the profile parameters, given the input
and output frequencies.
The user should not change a profile that is currently in use
because unpredictable behavior may result. The user can either
select free run or holdover mode, or invalidate the reference input
prior to changing it.
An attractive feature of th
e AD9557 is its versatile reference
switchover capability. The flexibility of the reference switchover
functionality resides in a sophisticated prioritization algorithm
that is coupled with register-based controls. This scheme provides
the user with maximum control over the state machine that
handles reference switchover.
The main reference switchover control resides in the loop
mode register (Address 0x0A01). The REF switchover mode
bits (Register 0x0A01, Bits[4:2]) allow the user to select one
of the five operating modes of the reference switchover state
machine, as follows:
Automatic revertive mode
Automatic non-revertive mode
Manual with automatic fallback mode
Manual with holdover mode
Full manual mode (without auto-holdover)