Z8 Microcontrollers
Serial I/O
Select Z8 microcontrollers incorporate a serial peripheral
interface (SPI) for communication with other microcontrol-
lers and peripherals. The SPI includes features such as
Stop-Mode Recovery, Master/Slave selection, and Com-
pare mode. Table 9-3 contains the pin configuration for the
SPI feature when it is enabled. The SPI consists of four
registers: SPI Control Register (SCON), SPI Compare
Register (SCOMP), SPI Receive/Buffer Register (RxBUF),
and SPI Shift Register. SCON is located in bank (C) of the
Expanded Register File at address 02.
The SPI Control Register (SCON) (Figure 9-12), is a
read/write register that controls Master/Slave selection, in-
terrupts, clock source and phase selection, and error flag.
Bit 0 enables/disables the SPI with the default being SPI
disabled. A 1 in this location will enable the SPI, and a 0
will disable the SPI. Bits 1 and 2 of the SCON register in
Master Mode select the clock rate. The user may choose
whether internal clock is divide-by-2, 4, 8, or 16. In Slave
Mode, Bit 1 of this register flags the user if an overrun of
the RxBUF Register has occurred. The RxCharOverrun
flag is only reset by writing a 0 to this bit. In slave mode, bit
2 of the Control Register disables the data-out I/O function.
If a 1 is written to this bit, the data-out pin is released to its
original port configuration. If a 0 is written to this bit, the
SPI shifts out one bit for each bit received. Bit 3 of the
SCON Register enables the compare feature of the SPI,
with the default being disabled. When the compare feature
is enabled, a comparison of the value in the SCOMP Reg-
ister is made with the value in the RxBUF Register. Bit 4
signals that a receive character is available in the RxBUF
If the associated IRQ3 is enabled, an interrupt is generat-
ed. Bit 5 controls the clock phase of the SPI. A 1 in bit 5
allows for receiving data on the clock’s falling edge and
transmitting data on the clock’s rising edge. A 0 allows re-
ceiving data on the clock’s rising edge and transmitting on
the clock’s falling edge. The SPI clock source is defined in
bit 6. A 1 uses Timer0 output for the SPI clock, and a 0
uses TCLK for clocking the SPI. Finally, bit 7 determines
whether the SPI is used as a Master or a Slave. A 1 puts
the SPI into Master mode and a 0 puts the SPI into Slave
Table 9-3. SPI Pin Configuration
Slave Select
SPI Clock
Pin Location
Figure 9-12. SPI Control Register (SCON)
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
SCON (C) 02
CLK Divide (M)
00 TCLK/2
01 TCLK/4
10 TCLK/8
11 TCLK/16
0 Disable *
1 Enable
DO SPI Port Enable (S)
0 SPI DO Port Enable
1 Do Port to I/O
SPI Enable
0 Enable
1 Disable *
Compare Enable
0 Trans/Fall
1 Trans/Rise
Clock Phase
RxCharOverrun (S)
1 Overrun
0 Reset
1 Char. Avail
(M) Used with Bit D7 equal to 1
* Default setting after Reset
1 Timer 0 Output
CLK Source
0 Slave
1 Master
Master Slave
(S) Used with Bit D7 equal to 0