What is Covered in This Manual
SYM53C875/875E Data Manual
Chapter 1
What is Covered in T his
T his manual combines information on the
SYM53C875 and SYM53C875E, which are PCI-
Ultra SCSI I/O Processors. T he SYM53C875E is
a minor modification of the existing SYM53C875
product. It has all the functionality of the
SYM53C875 with the addition of features to
enable it to comply with Microsoft’s PC 97 Hard-
ware Design Guide. Specifically, the
SYM53C875E has a Power Management Support
enhancement. Because there are only slight differ-
ences between them, the SYM53C875 and
SYM53C875E are referred to as SYM53C875
throughout this data manual. Only the new
enhancements are referred to as SYM53C875E.
It is intended for system designers and program-
mers who are using this device to design a SCSI
port for PCI-based personal computers, worksta-
tions, or embedded applications.
T his chapter includes general information about
the SYM53C875 and other members of the
SYM53C8X X family of PCI-SCSI I/O Processors.
Chapter 2 describes the main functional areas of
the chip in more detail, including the interfaces to
the SCSI bus. Chapter 3 describes the chip’s con-
nection to the PCI bus, including the PCI com-
mands and configuration registers supported.
Chapter 4 contains the pin diagrams and defini-
tions of each signal. Chapter 5 describes each bit
in the operating registers, organized by address.
Chapter 6 defines all of the SCSI SCRIPT S
instructions that are supported by the
SYM53C875. Chapter 7 contains the electrical
characteristics and AC timings for the chip. T he
appendixes contain a register summary, a mechan-
ical drawing of the SYM53C875, and several
example interface drawings to connect the
SYM53C875 to an external ROM.
T his data manual assumes the user is familiar with
the current and proposed standards for SCSI and
PCI. For additional background information on
these topics, please refer to the list of reference
materials provided in the Preface of this docu-
General Description
T he SYM53C875 PCI-SCSI I/O Processor brings
high-performance I/O solutions to host adapter,
workstation, and general computer designs, mak-
ing it easy to add SCSI to any PCI system. It pro-
vides a local memory bus for local storage of the
device’s BIOS ROM in flash memory or standard
EPROMs. Most versions of the SYM53C875 also
support Big and Little Endian byte addressing to
accommodate a variety of data configurations. T he
SYM53C875 supports programming of local
FLASH memory for updates to BIOS or
SCRIPT S programs.
T he SYM53C875 is a pin-for-pin replacement for
the SYM53C825 PCI-SCSI I/O processor, with
added support for the SCSI-3 Ultra standard as
well as other new features. Some software
enhancements are needed to take advantage of the
features and Ultra SCSI transfer rates supported
by the SYM53C875. T he SYM53C875 performs
Ultra SCSI transfers or fast 8- or 16- bit SCSI
transfers in single-ended or differential mode, and
improves performance by optimizing PCI bus utili-
zation. A system diagram showing the connections
of the SYM53C875 with an external ROM or flash