Data Filtering
The Acquisition Slicer’s hardware validates the
correctness of the data to be filtered. A second fil-
ter called "programmable filtering" allows software
to authorize or disable any data storage.
Hardware Filtering
When the Acquisition Unit receives the gated
FRWND signal, it will search for the Framing code
sequence in this time window.
If no valid framing code is detected, the Acquisition
Unit waits for the next TV line (i.e. the next
FRWND signal), ignoring any serial data of the
current line.
If a valid framing code is detected, the Acquisition
Unit starts a serial to parallel data conversion syn-
chronized by the framing code detection, storing in
byte format Teletext data of the current line.
After a valid Framing code, the first two bytes are
Hamming 8/4 checked. This check allows up to
one error to be automatically corrected. In this
case the corresponding byte is assumed to be er-
ror free. These two bytes contain the magazine
and the packet numbers.
If uncorrectable Hamming errors are found, the
whole TV line data flow is rejected until the next
valid Framing code is received.
If no Hamming error is found, these 2 bytes, mag-
azine and packet numbers, are concatenated in a
single byte, the 3 MSB being the magazine value.
This concatenated byte is then filtered without any
further hardware check, leading to a total of 41
sampled bytes per TV line.
Programmable Filtering
The programmable filtering unit implements two
different acquisition paths, activated or stopped
under full software control.
The filtering decision (store or reject) is taken by
hardware in real time, by checking the first byte
value (concatenated magazine / packet). This de-
cision is then kept until the end of the 41 bytes
flow, generating a "write enable" flag which is for-
warded to the Data Storage Unit.
The content of the Data Storage Unit is then trans-
ferred to a TDSRAM memory area called "VBI Ar-
ea" (see also Section, Address Genera-
Service Packets
The first acquisition path is dedicated to the ancil-
lary packets X/29, X/30 and X/31. Three control
bits associated with each of these Service pack-
ets, enable (if set) or disabling (if reset) the storage
of the corresponding Service packet whatever the
associated magazine and the ACQPOR or ACQM-
LR value (refer to the "Packet Request" register
In case a service packet storage was requested,
the whole 41 bytes TV line data flow is transferred
(i.e. written) to the data storage area. If it was not
requested, then the 41 bytes corresponding data
flow will be rejected (i.e. not transferred to the data
storage area).
A "service packet" flag, called "SPF", is available.
This flag SPF must be reset by software before the
beginning of the next VBI. This flag will be set by
hardware each time a service packet is received
and was requested. This flag is common to the
three types of Service packets. Reading it to "1" in-
dicates that at least one (or more) Service packet
was received and stored during the previous VBI..
Accessing the Packet Request Register
during the VBI when the Teletext Acquisition is
running may lead to an incorrect functioning of the
filtering unit.
Pi (i= 29, 30, 31)
no storage even if
Pi broadcasted
storage of Pi, if re-
set to 1 if Pi re-