Pin Description
December 17, 2009
I / O
Pin No.
System Interface
RDn / RDPn
AA8, Y2, AA2, AA5, AB4, AB20,
AA18, AA21, B18, E16, E14, E12,
E11, E9, E7, A5
RDn: Receive Data for Channel 0 ~ 15
When the receive system interface is configured to Single Rail NRZ Format mode, this multi-
plex pin is used as RDn.
The decoded NRZ data is updated on the active edge of RCLKn. The active level on RDn is
When the receiver is powered down, RDn will be in High-Z state or low, as selected by the
RDPn: Positive Receive Data for Channel 0 ~ 15
When the receive system interface is configured to Dual Rail NRZ Format mode, Dual Rail RZ
Format mode or Dual Rail Sliced mode, this multiplex pin is used as RDPn.
In Receive Dual Rail NRZ Format mode, the un-decoded NRZ data is output on RDPn and
RDNn and updated on the active edge of RCLKn.
In Receive Dual Rail RZ Format mode, the un-decoded RZ data is output on RDPn and RDNn
and updated on the active edge of RCLKn.
In Receive Dual Rail Sliced mode, the raw RZ sliced data is output on RDPn and RDNn.
For Receive Differential line interface, an active level on RDPn indicates the receipt of a posi-
tive pulse on RTIPn and a negative pulse on RRINGn; while an active level on RDNn indi-
cates the receipt of a negative pulse on RTIPn and a positive pulse on RRINGn.
For Receive Single Ended line interface, an active level on RDPn indicates the receipt of a
positive pulse on RTIPn; while an active level on RDNn indicates the receipt of a negative
pulse on RTIPn.
The active level on RDPn and RDNn is selected by the RD_INV bit (b3,
When the receiver is powered down, RDPn and RDNn will be in High-Z state or low, as
V9, V5, W7, W8, W9, W19, T15,
V18, E17, B16, B14, B12, B11, B9,
B7, D6
RDNn: Negative Receive Data for Channel 0 ~ 15
When the receive system interface is configured to Dual Rail NRZ Format mode, Dual Rail RZ
Format mode or Dual Rail Sliced mode, this multiplex pin is used as RDNn.
(Refer to the description of RDPn for details).
AB7, W4, AA3, AB2, AA7, AA17,
AB22, W18, A18, A16, A14, A12,
A11, A9, A7, E6
RCLKn: Receive Clock for Channel 0 ~ 15
When the receive system interface is configured to Single Rail NRZ Format mode, Dual Rail
NRZ Format mode or Dual Rail RZ Format mode, this multiplex pin is used as RCLKn.
RCLKn outputs a 2.048 MHz (in E1 mode) clock which is recovered from the received signal.
The data output on RDPn/RDNn (in Receive Dual Rail NRZ Format mode, Receive Dual Rail
RZ Format mode and Receive Dual Rail Sliced) is updated on the active edge of RCLKn. The
active edge is selected by the RCK_ES bit (b4,
RCF1,...).In LLOS condition, RCLKn output high or XCLK,
as selected by the RCKH bit (b7,
When the receiver is powered down, RCLKn will be in High-Z state or low, as selected by the
LLOS: Receive Line Loss Of Signal
LLOS synchronizes with the output of CLKE1 and can indicate the LLOS (Line LOS) status of
all 16 channels in a serial format.
When the clock output on CLKE1 is enabled, LLOS indicates the LLOS status of the 16 chan-
nels in a serial format and repeats every seventeen cycles. The start filler is positioned by
LLOS0. Refer to the description of LLOS0 below for details.
LLOS is updated on the rising edge of CLKE1 and is always active high.
When the clock output of CLKE1 is disabled, LLOS will be held in High-Z state.