7.3.15 Reg0.14 PHY Loopback return to Internal
The loopback mode of the PHY (return to internal MAC) can be enabled on a per port base by setting MII Reg.0.14 as 1. In
Reg0.14 loopback mode, TXD of PHY is transferred directly to RXD of PHY with TXEN changed to CRS_DV and returns to
MAC via internal MII. The data stream coming from the MAC will not egress to the physical medium and incoming data
stream from the network medium will be blocked in this mode. The packets will be looped back in 10Mbps full duplex or
100Mbps at full duplex mode. This function is especially useful for diagnostic purposes. For example, a NIC can be used to
send broadcast frame into port 0 of the RTL8305SB and set Port1 as Reg0.14 Loopback. The frame will be looped back to port
0, so the received packet count can be checked to verify that the switch device is good. In this example, port 0 can be 10M or
100M and full or half duplex.
Reg0.14 Loopback
Internal MII
Figure 4: Reg0.14 Loopback
7.3.16 LED
The RTL8305SB supports four parallel LEDs for each port, and two special LEDs (SELMIIMAC# and LOOPLED#). Each
port has four LED indicator pins. Each pin may have different indicator meaning set by pins LEDMode[1:0], refer to the pin
descriptions for details. Upon reset, the RTL8305SB supports diagnostics of chip reset and LED functions by blinking all
LEDs once for 320ms. This function can be disabled by asserting EN_RST_LINK to 0. LED_BLINK_TIME determines LED
blinking period for activity and collision, with 1 = 43ms and 0 = 120ms. The parallel LEDs corresponding to port 4 can be
three-stated (disable LED functions) for MII port application by setting ENP4LED in EEPROM as 0. In UTP application, this
bit should be 1 to drive LEDs of port 4.
All LED pins are dual function pins: input operation for configuration upon reset, and output operation for LED after reset. If
the pin input is floating upon reset, the pin output is active low after reset. Otherwise, if the pin input is pulled down upon reset,
the pin output is active high after reset. Exception: Bi-color Link/Act mode of pin LED_ADD[4:0] when LEDMode[1:0]=10.
Below shows an example circuits for LEDs. The typical values for pull-down resistors are 10K
LED pin
250 ohm
LED pin
Pull Down
10K ohm
250 ohm
Figure 5: Floating and Pull-Down of LED pins