7. Functional Description
7.1 Switch Core Functional Overview
7.1.1 Application
The RTL8305SB is a 5 port Fast Ethernet switch controller, which integrates embedded memory, five MAC, and five physical
layer transceivers for 10Base-T and 100Base-TX into a single chip. All ports also support 100Base-FX, which shares pins with
UTP (TX+-/RX+-) and needs no SD+- pins (this is a Realtek patent technology).
The five ports are separated into 3 groups (GroupX/GourpY/Port4) for flexible port configuration using strapping pins upon
reset. The SetGroup pin is used to select the port numbers for GroupX and GroupY (SetGroup=1: GroupX=Port0;
GroupY=Ports 1, 2, and 3. SetGroup=0: GroupX=Ports 0 and 1; GroupY=Ports 2 and 3). The GxMode/GyMode/P4Mode[1:0]
pins are used to select the operation mode. (UTP / FX for GroupX and GroupY. UTP / FX / PHY mode MII / PHY mode SNI /
MAC mode MII for Port4)
Upon reset:
defined as a short time after at the end of a hardware reset.
After reset:
defined as the time after the specified
"Upon Reset" time.
7.1.2 Port4
Operation mode of port4:
Each port has two parts: MAC and PHY. In the UTP and FX mode, Port4 uses both the MAC and
internal PHY parts like the other ports. In the other mode, Port4 uses only the MAC part, which provides an external interface
to connect to the external MAC or PHY. Two pins are used for those operation mode configurations: P4MODE[1:0].
The fifth port (port 4) supports an external MAC interface which can be set to PHY mode MII, PHY mode SNI, or MAC mode
MII to work with an external MAC of a routing engine, PHY of a HomePNA or other physical layer transceiver.
If the MAC part of Port4 connects with an external MAC, such as processor for a router application, it should act as a PHY.
This is PHY mode MII or PHY mode SNI. In PHY mode MII or PHY mode SNI, Port4 uses the MAC part only, and provides
an external MAC interface to connect MAC of external device. In order to connect both MACs, the MII of the switch MAC
should be reversed into PHY mode.
If the MAC part of Port4 connects with an external PHY, such as a PHY for a HomePNA application, Port4 should act as MAC.
This is MAC mode MII. In MAC mode MII, Port4 uses its MAC to connect external PHY and ignores the internal PHY part.