MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.07
Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 18
Pulse-Width Modulator (S12PWM8B8CV1)
The PWM definition is based on the HC12 PWM definitions. It contains the basic features from the HC11
with some of the enhancements incorporated on the HC12: center aligned output mode and four available
clock sources.The PWM module has eight channels with independent control of left and center aligned
outputs on each channel.
Each of the eight channels has a programmable period and duty cycle as well as a dedicated counter. A
of the modulators can create independent continuous waveforms with software-selectable duty rates from
0% to 100%. The PWM outputs can be programmed as left aligned outputs or center aligned outputs.
The PWM block includes these distinctive features:
Eight independent PWM channels with programmable period and duty cycle
Dedicated counter for each PWM channel
Programmable PWM enable/disable for each channel
Software selection of PWM duty pulse polarity for each channel
is reached (PWM counter reaches zero) or when the channel is disabled.
Programmable center or left aligned outputs on individual channels
Eight 8-bit channel or four 16-bit channel PWM resolution
Four clock sources (A, B, SA, and SB) provide for a wide range of frequencies
Programmable clock select logic
Emergency shutdown
Modes of Operation
There is a software programmable option for low power consumption in wait mode that disables the input
clock to the prescaler.
In freeze mode there is a software programmable option to disable the input clock to the prescaler. This is
useful for emulation.