Signal Descriptions
MCF5272 ColdFire Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
19.13.10 Receive Error (E_RxER/PB14)
Ethernet mode: E_RxER is an input signal which when asserted along with E_RxDV signals that the PHY
has detected an error in the current frame. When E_RxDV is not asserted E_RxER has no effect. Applies
to MII mode operation.
Port B mode: This pin can also be configured as PB14 I/O.
19.13.11 Management Data Clock (E_MDC/PB15)
Ethernet mode: E_MDC is an output clock which provides a timing reference to the PHY for data transfers
on the E_MDIO signal. Applies to MII mode operation.
Port B mode: This pin can also be configured as I/O pin PB15.
19.13.12 Management Data (E_MDIO)
The bidirectional E_MDIO signal transfers control information between the external PHY and the
media-access controller. Data is synchronous to E_MDC. Applies to MII mode operation. This signal is
an input after reset. When the FEC is operated in 10Mbps 7-wire interface mode, this signal should be
connected to Vss.
19.13.13 Transmit Error (E_TxER)
Ethernet mode: When the E_TxER output is asserted for one or more clock cycles while E_TxEN is also
asserted, the PHY sends one or more illegal symbols. E_TxER has no effect at 10 Mbps or when E_TxEN
is negated. Applies to MII mode operation.
19.13.14 Carrier Receive Sense (E_CRS)
E_CRS is an input signal which when asserted signals that transmit or receive medium is not idle. Applies
to MII mode operation.
19.14 PWM Module Signals (PWM_OUT0–PWM_OUT2])
PWM_OUT0–PWM_OUT2 are the outputs of the compare logic within the pulse-width modulator
(PWM) modules.
PWM_OUT0 is always available.
PWM_OUT1 is multiplexed with TOUT1.
PWM_OUT2 is multiplexed with TIN1.
19.15 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Signals
This section describes signals used by the queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) module. Four QSPI
chip selects, QSPI_CS[3:0], are multiplexed with the physical layer interface pins and GPIO port A.
QSPI_CS0 is always available. QSPI_CS3 is multiplexed with DOUT3 and PA7.