ACPb (Pin 13): AC Present Status Digital Output. Open-
Drain N-MOSFET output is asserted low when the main
supply is present as detected by the DCDIV pin and internal
VDIS (Pin 14): Battery Discharge Voltage Limit During
Backup Program Input. Battery threshold voltage at which
backup mode will terminate by turning off the isolation
P-MOSFET with the BATID pin. Adjustable from external
resistor string biased from VREF pin. For default threshold
connect to GND pin.
VCAL (Pin 15): Battery Voltage Limit During Calibra-
tion Program Input. Battery threshold voltage at which
calibration will terminate. Adjustable from external resistor
string biased from VREF pin. For default threshold connect
to GND pin.
VCHG (Pin 16): Battery Float Voltage Program Input. Trims
the oat voltage during charging. Programmed from
external resistor string biased from VREF pin. Connect to
GND for default oat voltage.
VREF (Pin 17): Voltage Reference Output and Timing Pro-
GND that programs the VCHG, VCAL and VDIS pin functions.
Total resistance from VREF to GND, along with the capacitor
on the timer pin, programs the charge time. Voltage refer-
ence output remains active in all modes except shutdown.
Load current must be between 10μA and 25μA.
TIMER (Pin 18): Charge Timing Input. A capacitor con-
nected between TIMER and GND along with the resistance
connected from VREF to GND programs the charge time
TYPE (Pin 19): Refer to Table 8.
THA (Pin 20): SafetySignal Force/Sense Pin to Smart
Battery and Force Pin to Lead Acid Battery Thermistor.
See description of operation for more detail. The maxi-
mum allowed combined capacitance on THA, THB and
SafetySignal is 1nF. For lead acid battery applications the
maximum capacitance on the THA pin is 50pF.
THB (Pin 21): SafetySignal Force/Sense Pin to Smart
Battery and Sense Pin to Lead Acid Battery Thermistor.
See description of operation for more detail. The maxi-
mum allowed combined capacitance on THA, THB and
SafetySignal is 1nF.
IPCC (Pin 22): Battery Preconditioning Charge Current
Program Input. Programs the battery current during
preconditioning or wakeup charging. Programmed from
external resistor to GND.
ICAL (Pin 23): Battery Discharge Current During Calibration
Program Input. Programs the constant discharge current at
the battery during calibration. Programmed from external
resistor to GND.
Programs the battery current while constant-current bulk
charging. Programmed from external resistor to GND.
ITH (Pin 25): Control Signal of the Current Mode PWM. AC
compensates control loop. Higher ITH voltage corresponds
to higher charging current.
CSP (Pin 26): Current Sense Positive Input. This pin and
the CSN pin measure voltage across the external current
sense resistor to control battery current during charging
and calibration.
CSN (Pin 27): Current Sense Negative Input. This pin and
the CSP pin measure voltage across the external current
sense resistor to control battery current during charging
and calibration.
SGND (Pin 28): Signal Ground Reference Input. This pin
should be Kelvin connected to the yback current sense
resistor and to the battery return.
ISENSE (Pin 29): Current Sense Input. Senses current in
the yback transformer by monitoring voltage across the
external current sense resistor. This pin should be Kelvin-
connected to the resistor.
SELC (Pin 30): Refer to Table 8.