The various signals that characterize the GS-C, their function and the active level are described in detail
in the following:
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The SEL0 (pin1),SEL1 (pin2) and SEL2 (pin3)inputs are used to select the communicationprotocol and
the moduleaddress. They have an internalpull-upand when unconnected they are at the 1 logic level.
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The BR0 (pin4), BR1 (pin5) and BR2 (pin6) inputsare usedto select the Baud rate of the
communication port. They have an internal pull-up and when unconnected they are at the 1 logiclevel.
The CHS checksum generationconditioning inputenables the user to includeor exclude the checksum
character from thedata exchange string. A ”zero” logic level appliedto thisinput disables the control and
the generationof the checksumcharacter thus allowingthe GS-Cto be connected to a video terminal.
This pin is the common terminal for all logic signals and for the power supplyreturn path.
The REC RecallProgram Enable input pin, when brought to ”zero”, enablesthe automatic recallof the
program stored in the EEPROM and its immediate execution.
This pin is for testing purpose only and it must be grounded for normal operation.
The RxD inputof the serial communication port is usedby the moduleto receive commands from the
Host Computer. The input logic levels are compatible with the RS232 and V24 standards.
The TxDoutput of the serial communicationport is used by the moduleto send data to the Host
Computer. The logic levels of this output are compatiblewith the RS232 and V24 standards.
The TxPD Transmitted data pull-down resistorpin must always be connectedto the TxDoutput (pin 12)
when the Point-to-Point protocol isused. When the Multipointprotocol isselected, this pin mustbe left
open on all modulesexcept the chain terminator unit, in orderto avoid the TxD output overload.
The RDY hardware statusoutput (opencollector) signal pin is used as the controllerstatus flag. RDY
assumes a ”zero” logic level when a command or a program is in execution
–12V unregulatedoutput. A maximum of 10mAcan be sinked from this pin.
+12V unregulatedoutput. A maximum of 10mAcan be sinked from this pin.
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Module supply input. For correctoperations a supply voltage ranging from12 to 40 Volt is required.
See pin 8.
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5 Voltregulated output, available either for the Sequencer-Driverlogic section or for a custom interface
logic supply. Themaximum current that can be sinked from this pin is 100mA.
The MOV Motor moving output becomes the logic level ”one” when the GS-C isexecuting a movement.
This output can be used to program the phase current level when the motion is running at a level higher
than for the rest condition.
The RAMP Ramp inexecution output is rised to the logic level ”one” when the GS-Cis executing an
acceleration or a decelerationramp. Thisoutput can be used to program the phase current level when
the motionis rampingat a level higherthan for the restor slewing condition.
The ENABLE input pin allows the user to control the Step clock logic outputto avoid the motorbeing
stepped ifthe previous step was not correctly executed. A ”zero” logic level appliedto thispin stops the
generation of the step pulses. Thisinput canbe used to stopthe system when an emergency occurs, to
execute the motion according to externally generated timing, or to implementa closed loop control
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Not connected.
The DIR Direction selectionoutput isused to informthe Sequencer-Driveron the directionof rotation.
The logiclevel ”one” determines a clockwise rotation, but of course the rotationdepends on the motor
phases connectionto the Sequencer-Driver
The RESETPower driver Reset output is broughtto the ”zero” logic state for 400
s when the unit is
powered-on, or when the GS-C receivesthe ”Initialize position counter” command. Thisoutput is
normally used to assurethe correctstart-up of the Sequencer-Driveror any otherexternal custom logic.
GS-C200/ GS-C200S