Data Device Corporation
The strong recommendation for new applications is the use of
the Selective Message Monitor, rather than the Word Monitor.
Besides providing monitor filtering based on RT Address, T/R bit,
and Subaddress, the Message Monitor eliminates the need to
determine the start and end of messages by software. The devel-
opment of such software tends to be a tedious task. Moreover, at
run time, it tends to entail a high degree of CPU overhead.
In the Word Monitor mode, the BU-61580 monitors both 1553
buses. After initializing the Word Monitor and putting it on-line the
BU-61580 stores all Command, Status, and Data Words received
from both buses. For each word received from either bus, the
BU-61580 stores a pair of words in RAM. The first word is the 16
bits of data from the received word. The second word is the
Monitor Identification (ID), or “Tag” word. The ID Word contains
information relating to bus channel, sync type, word validity, and
interword time gaps. The BU-61580 stores data and ID words in
a circular buffer in the shared RAM address space. TABLE 23
shows the bit mapping for the Monitor ID word.
There is a Trigger Word Register that provides additional flexibil-
ity for the Word Monitor mode. The BU-61580 stores the value of
the 16-bit Trigger Word in the MT Trigger Word Register. The
contents of this register represent the value of the Trigger
Command Word. The BU-61580 has programmable options to
start or stop the Word Monitor, and/or to issue an interrupt
request following receipt of the Trigger Command Word from the
1553 bus.
The BU-61580 Selective Message Monitor provides features to
greatly reduce the software and processing burden of the host
CPU. The Selective Message Monitor implements selective
monitoring of messages from a dual 1553 bus, with the monitor
filtering based on the RT Address, T/R bit, and Subaddress fields
of received 1553 Command Words. The Selective Message
Monitor mode greatly simplifies the host processor software by
distinguishing between Command and Status Words. The
Selective Message Monitor maintains two stacks in the BU-61580
RAM: a Command Stack and a Data Stack.
Simultaneous RT/Message Monitor Mode
The Selective Message Monitor may function as a purely passive
monitor or may be programmed to function as a simultaneous
RT/Monitor. The RT/Monitor mode provides complete Remote
Terminal (RT) operation for the BU-61580's strapped RT address
and bus monitor capability for the other 30 nonbroadcast RT
addresses. This allows the BU-61580 to simultaneously operate
as a full function RT and “snoop” on all or a subset of the bus
activity involving the other RTs on a bus. This type of operation
is sometimes needed to implement a backup bus controller. The
combined RT/Selective Monitor maintains three stack areas in
the BU-61580 address space: an RT Command Stack, a Monitor
Command Stack, and a Monitor Data Stack. The pointers for the
various stacks have fixed locations in the BU-61580 address
Selective Message Monitor Memory Organization
TABLE 30 illustrates a typical memory map for the ACE in the
Selective Message Monitor mode. This mode of operation
defines several fixed locations in the RAM. These locations allo-
cate in a manner that is compatible with the combined RT/
Selective Message Monitor mode. Refer to TABLE 30 for an
example of a typical Selective Message Monitor Memory Map.
The fixed memory map consists of two Monitor Command Stack
Pointers (location 102h and 106h), two Monitor Data Stack
Pointers (locations 103h and 107h), and a Selective Message
Monitor Lookup Table (0280-02FFh) based on RT Address, T/R,
and subaddress. Assume a Monitor Command Stack size of 1K
words, and a Monitor Data Stack size of 2K words.
Refer to FIGURE 8 for an illustration of the Selective Message
Monitor operation. Upon receipt of a valid Command Word, the
BU-61580 will reference the Selective Monitor Lookup Table (a
fixed block of addresses) to check for the condition (disabled/
enabled) of the current command. If disabled, the BU-61580 will
ignore (and not store) the current message; if enabled, the
BU-61580 will create an entry in the Monitor Command Stack at
the address location referenced by the Monitor Command Stack
Similar to RT mode, The ACE stores a Block Status Word, 16-bit
Time Tag Word, and Data Block Pointer in the Message
Descriptor, along with the received 1553 Command Word follow-
ing reception of the Command Word. The ACE writes the Block
Status and Time Tag Words at both the start and end of the mes-
sage. The Monitor Block Status Word contains indications of
message in-progress or message complete, bus channel,
Monitor Data Stack Rollover, RT-to-RT transfer and RT-to-RT
transfer errors, message format error, and other error conditions.
TABLE 24 shows the Message Monitor Block Status Word. The
Data Block Pointer references the first word stored in the Monitor
Data Stack (the first word following the Command Word) for the
current message. The BU-61580 will then proceed to store the
subsequent words from the message (possible second Command
Word, Data Word(s), Status Word(s)) into consecutive locations
in the Monitor Data Stack.
The size of the Monitor Command Stack is programmable to
256, 1K, 4K, or 16K words. The Monitor Data Stack size is pro-
grammable to 512, 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, or 64K words.
Monitor interrupts may be enabled for Monitor Command Stack
Rollover, Monitor Data Stack Rollover, and/or End-of-Message
conditions. In addition, in the Word Monitor mode there may be
an interrupt enabled for a Monitor Trigger condition.