REV. 1.0.2
Contains 12 on-chip 64 byte Expected Receive Path Trace Message Buffer, in which the user will load in an
expected Path Trace Message
Contains 12 on-chip 64 byte Actual" Receive Path Trace Message Buffers, that will contain the actual
Received Path Trace Message
The SONET Receiver will use the contents within both the Expected and Actual Receive Path Trace
Message Buffers to either declare or clear the TIM-P defect condition
Computes and verifies the B3 bytes within each incoming STS-1 SPE/VC-3 or STS-3c SPE/VC-4 and
increments on-chip Performance Monitoring registers each time it detects B3 byte errors.
Detects and Flags Line - Remote Error Indicator (REI-L) and Path - Remote Error Indicator (REI-P) events,
and increments on-chip Performance Monitoring registers each time it detects REI-L or REI-P events
Computes and verifies both the B1 and B2 bytes within the incoming STS-12/STM-4 data-stream and
increments on-chip Performance Monitoring registers each time it detects B1 or B2 byte errors
Maps DS3 data into/De-maps DS3 data from an STS-1 SPE per the requirements in Telcordia GR-253-
Maps DS3/E3 data into/De-Maps DS3/E3 data from a VC-3 per ITU-T G.707
Implements AU-3 to VC-3 multiplexing and de-multiplexing
Offers off-line framing algorithm
Complies with the standards as: Bellcore TR-NWT-000499 and TR-NWT-000009
Supports overhead extraction
Detects and flags LCV (Line Code Violations) and EXZ (Excessive Zero Events).
Reports and counts FEBE
HDLC controller complies with ITU-T Q.921 LAPD protocol
Provides Line and Local Loop-backs
Supports either the M13 or the C-bit Parity Framing formats
Supports B3ZS line decoding which can be user enabled.Replaces valid B0V or 00V with 3 zeros
Synchronizes to incoming frame based upon 10 valid F bits followed by 3 consecutive valid M frames, Offers
optional AIC-bit or parity verification before declaration of sync
Detects Out of Frame (OOF) upon 3 or 6 F bits out of 15 F bits in error or 1 or more M bits in 3 of 4
consecutive frames in error
Detects Loss of Signal (LOS) upon encountering 180 consecutive 0’s and clears on at least 60 of successive
received 1’s.Offers optional disable
Detects idle state by checking C-bit in subframe 3 are all zero, X-bits are one and repeating 11001100
payloads. Declaration occurs when all the above conditions persist for 63 M-frames. Clears the condition
when 63 valid M-frames are received
Detects AIS with different algorithm
Computes and verifies P and CP-Bits
Validate FERF bits, sets to one when both X-bits are zero and clears when they are One
Detects and validates FEAC codes upon 8 out of 10 last identical received codes.Invalidates on 3 in 10