32-bit load/store AVR32B RISC architecture.
– Up to 15 general-purpose 32-bit registers.
– 32-bit Stack Pointer, Program Counter and Link Register reside in register file.
– Fully orthogonal instruction set.
– Privileged and unprivileged modes enabling efficient and secure Operating Systems.
– Innovative instruction set together with variable instruction length ensuring industry leading
code density.
– DSP extention with saturating arithmetic, and a wide variety of multiply instructions.
– SIMD extention for media applications.
7 stage pipeline allows one instruction per clock cycle for most instructions.
– Java Hardware Acceleration.
– Byte, half-word, word and double word memory access.
– Unaligned memory access.
– Shadowed interrupt context for INT3 and multiple interrupt priority levels.
– Dynamic branch prediction and return address stack for fast change-of-flow.
– Coprocessor interface.
Full MMU allows for operating systems with memory protection.
16Kbyte Instruction and 16Kbyte data caches.
– Virtually indexed, physically tagged.
– 4-way associative.
– Write-through or write-back.
Nexus Class 3 On-Chip Debug system.
– Low-cost NanoTrace supported.
Pixel Coprocessor (PICO)
Coprocessor coupled to the AVR32 CPU Core through the TCB Bus.
– Coprocessor number one on the TCB bus.
Three parallel Vector Multiplication Units (VMU) where each unit can:
– Multiply three pixel components with three coefficients.
– Add the products from the multiplications together.
– Accumulate the result or add an offset to the sum of the products.
Can be used for accelerating:
– Image Color Space Conversion.
Configurable Conversion Coefficients.
Supports packed and planar input and output formats.
Supports subsampled input color spaces (i.e 4:2:2, 4:2:0).
– Image filtering/scaling.
Configurable Filter Coefficients.
Throughput of one sample per cycle for a 9-tap FIR filter.
Can use the built-in accumulator to extend the FIR filter to more than 9-taps.
Can be used for bilinear/bicubic interpolations.
– MPEG-4/H.264 Quarter Pixel Motion Compensation.
Flexible input Pixel Selector.
– Can operate on numerous different image storage formats.
Flexible Output Pixel Inserter.
– Scales and saturates the results back to 8-bit pixel values.
– Supports packed and planar output formats.