- Two succeeding resets are applied where the second reset occurs in the 10ns window
before the device is out of the reset-state caused by the first reset.
- A reset is applied in a 10ns window while the system clock prescaler value is updated by
- Leaving SPI-programming mode generates an internal reset signal that can trigger this
The two first cases can occur during normal operating mode, while the last case occurs only
during programming of the device.
Problem fix/workaround
The first case can be avoided during run-mode by ensuring that only one reset source is
active. If an external reset push button is used, the reset start-up time should be selected
such that the reset line is fully debounced during the start-up time.
The second case can be avoided by not using the system clock prescaler.
The third case occurs during In-System programming only. It is most frequently seen when
using the internal RC at maximum frequency.
If the device gets stuck in the reset-state, turn power off, then on again to get the device out
of this state.
Interrupts may be lost when writing the timer registers in the asynchronous timer
The interrupt will be lost if a timer register that is synchronous timer clock is written when the
asynchronous Timer/Counter register (TCNTx) is 0x00.
Problem fix/workaround
Always check that the asynchronous Timer/Counter register neither have the value 0xFF nor
0x00 before writing to the asynchronous Timer Control Register (TCCRx), asynchronous
Timer Counter Register (TCNTx), or asynchronous Output Compare Register (OCRx).