Rev. A | Page 24 of 92
The ADAU1445/ADAU1446 can operate in one of three control
modes: I2C control mode, SPI control mode, or self-boot mode
(no external controller).
The ADAU1445/ADAU1446 have both a 4-wire SPI control port
and a 2-wire I2C bus control port. Each can be used to set the
RAMs and registers. When the SELFBOOT pin is low at power-up,
the chip defaults to I2C mode but can be put into SPI control mode
by pulling Pin CLATCH low three times. When the SELFBOOT
pin is set high at power-up, the ADAU1445/ADAU1446 load
the program, parameters, and register settings from an external
EEPROM at startup.
The control port is capable of full read and write operations for
all memories and registers, except for those that are read only.
Most signal processing parameters are controlled by writing
new values to the parameter RAM using the control port. Other
functions, such as mute and input/output mode control, are
programmed by writing to the registers.
All addresses can be accessed in either a single-word mode or a
burst mode. A control word consists of the chip address, the
register/RAM subaddress, and the data to be written. The
number of bytes per word depends on the type of data that is
being written.
The first byte (Byte 0) of a control word contains the 7-bit chip
address plus the R/W bit. The next two bytes (Byte 1 and Byte 2)
together form the subaddress of the memory or register location
within the ADAU1445/ADAU1446. This subaddress must be
two bytes because the memory locations within the ADAU1445/
ADAU1446 are directly addressable, and their sizes exceed the
range of single-byte addressing. All subsequent bytes (starting
with Byte 3) contain the data, such as control port data, program
data, or parameter data. The exact formats for specific types of
writes are shown in
The ADAU1445/ADAU1446 have several mechanisms for
updating signal processing parameters in real time without causing
pops or clicks on the output. In cases where large blocks of data
must be downloaded, the output of the DSP core can be halted,
new data can be loaded, and then the output of the DSP core can be
restarted. This is typically done during the booting sequence at
startup or when loading a new program into RAM. In cases
where only a few parameters must be changed, they can be
loaded without halting the program. A software-based safeload
mechanism is included for this purpose, and it can be used to
buffer a full set of parameters (for example, the five coefficients
of a biquad) and then transfer these parameters into the active
program within one audio frame.
The control port pins are multifunctional according to the
mode in which the part is operating.
Table 14 details these
I2C Port
The ADAU1445/ADAU1446 support a 2-wire serial (I2C
compatible) microprocessor bus driving multiple peripherals.
Two pins, serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL), carry infor-
mation between the ADAU1445/ADAU1446 and the system I2C
master controller. In I2C mode, the ADAU1445/ADAU1446 are
always slaves on the bus, which means that the parts cannot initiate
a data transfer.
Each slave device is recognized by a unique address. The address
bit sequence is shown in
Table 11. The ADAU1445/ADAU1446
have eight possible slave addresses: four for writing operations
and four for reading. These are unique addresses for the device
Users can communicate with these addresses by using the USBi
communication channel list in the hardware configuration tab
of SigmaStudio. The LSB of the byte sets either a read or write
operation; Logic Level 1 corresponds to a read operation, and
Logic Level 0 corresponds to a write operation. Address Bit 5 and
Address Bit 6 are set by tying the ADDRx pins of the ADAU1445/
ADAU1446 to Logic Level 0 or Logic Level 1. Both SDA and
SCL should have pull-up resistors on the lines connected to them
(a standard value is 2.0 kΩ, but this can be changed depending
on the capacitive load on the line). The voltage on these signal
lines should not be greater than the voltage of IOVDD (3.3 V).
Table 11. ADAU1445/ADAU1446 Address Bit Sequence
Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
Table 12. ADAU1445/ADAU1446 I2C Slave Addresses
Slave Address
1 0 = write, 1 = read.
Initially, all devices on the I2C bus are in an idle state, in which
the devices monitor the SDA and SCL lines for a start condition
and the proper address. The I2C master initiates a data transfer by
establishing a start condition, defined by a high-to-low transition
on SDA while SCL remains high. This indicates that an address or
an address and data stream follow. All devices on the bus respond
to the start condition and shift the next eight bits (7-bit address
+ R/W bit) MSB first. The device that recognizes the transmitted
address responds by pulling the data line low during the ninth
clock pulse. This ninth bit is known as an acknowledge bit. All
other devices withdraw from the bus at this point and return to