Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 47 of 104
Table 23 lists a sample EEPROM download instruction sequence.
It illustrates the use of condition instructions and how they alter
the download sequence. The table begins with the assumption
that no conditions are in effect. That is, the most recently executed
condition instruction is either B0 or no conditional instructions
have been processed.
Table 23. EEPROM Conditional Processing Example
Transfer the system clock register contents,
regardless of the current condition.
Tag Condition 1.
Transfer the clock distribution register contents
only if tag condition = 1.
Tag Condition 2.
Tag Condition 3.
Transfer the reference input register contents only
if tag condition = 1, 2, or 3.
Calibrate the system clock only if tag condition =
1, 2, or 3.
Clear the tag condition board.
Execute an I/O update, regardless of the value of
the tag condition.
Calibrate the system clock, regardless of the value
of the tag condition.
Storing Multiple Device Setups in EEPROM
Conditional processing makes it possible to create a number of
different device setups, store them in EEPROM, and download
a specific setup on demand. To do so, first program the device
control registers for a specific setup. Then, store an upload
sequence in the EEPROM scratch pad with the following
general form:
1. Condition instruction (B1 to CF) to identify the setup with
a specific condition (1 to 31)
2. Data instructions (to save the register contents) along with
any required calibrate and/or I/O update instructions
3. Pause instruction (FE)
With the upload sequence written to the scratch pad, perform
an EEPROM upload (Register 0x0E02, Bit 0).
Reprogram the device control registers for the next desired
setup. Then store a new upload sequence in the EEPROM
scratch pad with the following general form:
1. Condition instruction (B0)
2. The next desired condition instruction (B1 to CF, but
different from the one used during the previous upload to
identify a new setup)
3. Data instructions (to save the register contents) along with
any required calibrate and/or I/O update instructions
4. Pause instruction (FE)
With the upload sequence written to the scratch pad, perform
an EEPROM upload (Register 0x0E02, Bit 0).
Repeat the process of programming the device control registers
for a new setup, storing a new upload sequence in the EEPROM
scratch pad (Step 1 through Step 4), and executing an EEPROM
upload (Register 0x0E02, Bit 0) until all of the desired setups
have been uploaded to the EEPROM.
Note that, on the final upload sequence stored in the scratch
pad, the pause instruction (FE) must be replaced with an end
instruction (FF).
To download a specific setup on demand, first store the condition
associated with the desired setup in Register 0x0E01, Bits[4:0].
Then perform an EEPROM download (Register 0x0E03, Bit 1).
Alternatively, to download a specific setup at power-up, apply
the required logic levels necessary to encode the desired condition
on the M2 and M3 multifunction pins. Then power up the device;
an automatic EEPROM download occurs. The condition (as
established by the M2 and M3 multifunction pins) guides the
download sequence and results in a specific setup.
Keep in mind that the number of setups that can be stored
in the EEPROM is limited. The EEPROM can hold a total of
2048 bytes. Each nondata instruction requires one byte of
storage. Each data instruction, however, requires N + 4 bytes of
storage, where N is the number of transferred register bytes and
the other four bytes include the data instruction itself (one
byte), the target address (two bytes), and the checksum
calculated by the EEPROM controller during the upload
sequence (one byte).