Z8 Microcontrollers
Serial I/O
The transmitter consists of a transmitter buffer (SIO Reg-
ister [F0H]), a parity generator, and associated control log-
ic. The transmitter block diagram is shown as part of Fig-
ure 9-1.
After a hardware reset or after a character has been trans-
mitted, the transmitter is forced to a marking state (output
always High) until a character is loaded into the transmitter
buffer, SIO Register (F0H). The transmitter is loaded by
specifying the SIO Register as the destination register of
any instruction.
T0’s output drives a divide-by-16 counter that in turn gen-
erates a shift clock every 16 counts. This counter is reset
when the transmitter buffer is written by an instruction. This
reset synchronizes the shift clock to the software. The
transmitter then outputs one bit per shift clock, through
Port 3 bit 7, until a start bit, the character written to the buff-
er, and two stop bits have been transmitted. After the sec-
ond stop bit has been transmitted, the output is again
forced to a marking state. Interrupt request IRQ4 is gener-
ated at this time to notify the processor that the transmitter
is ready to accept another character.
9.4.1 Overwrites
The user is not protected from overwriting the transmitter,
so it is up to the software to respond to IRQ4 appropriately.
If polling is used, the IRQ4 bit in the Interrupt Request Reg-
ister must be reset.
9.4.2 Parity
The data format supported by the transmitter has a start
bit, eight data bits, and at least two stop bits. If parity is on,
bit 7 of the data transmitted will be replaced by an odd par-
ity bit. Figure 9-9 shows the transmitter data formats.
Parity is enabled by setting Port 3 Mode Register bit 7 to
1. If even parity is required, the parity mode should be dis-
abled (P3M bit 7 reset to 0), and software must modify the
data to include even parity.
Since the transmitter can be overwritten, the user is able
to generate a break signal. This is done by writing null
characters to the transmitter buffer (SIO Register [F0H]) at
a rate that does not allow the stop bits to be output. Each
time the SIO Register is loaded, the divide-by-16 counter
is resynchronized and a new start bit is output followed by
Figure 9-9. Transmitter Data Formats
SP SP D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ST
Eight Data Bits
Start Bit
Start Bit
Seven Data Bits
Two Stop Bit
SP SP P D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ST
Odd Parity
Two Stop Bit
Transmitted Data
(No Parity)
Transmitted Data
(With Parity)