Interface Signal Descriptions
The SYM53C140 receives data and parity signals and passes them from
the source bus to the load bus and provides any necessary edge shifting
to guarantee the skew budget for the load bus. Either side of the
SYM53C140 may be the source bus or the load bus. The side that is
asserting, deasserting or releasing the SCSI signals is the source side.
The following steps describe the SYM53C140 data processing:
Asserted data is accepted from the receiver logic as soon as it is
received. Once the clock signal has been received, data is gated
from the receiver latch.
The path is next tested to be sure the data was not driven by the
SYM53C140. This is because valid data needs to be generated by
another node on the source bus to be passed through the
SYM53C140 to the load bus.
The data is then leading edge filtered. The assertion edge is held for
a specified time to prevent any signal bounce. The duration is
controlled by the input signal.
The next stage uses a latch to sample the signal. This provides a
stable data window for the load bus.
The final step develops pull-up and pull-down controls for the SCSI
I/O logic, including 3-state controls for the pull-up.
A parallel function ensures that bus (transmission line) recovery
occurs for a specified time after the last signal deassertion on each
signal line. SCSI Bus Activity LED (BSY_LED)
Internal logic is used to detect SCSI bus activity and generate a signal
that will produce an active HIGH output. This output can be used to drive
a LED to indicate SCSI activity.
The internal circuitry is a digital one shot that is an active HIGH with a
minimum pulse width of 16 ms. The BSY_LED output current is 8 mA.
This output may have an LED attached to it with the other lead of the
LED grounded through a suitable resistor. Busy Control (SBSY)
A_SBSY and B_SBSY signals are propagated from the source bus to the
load bus. These signals go through the following process: