Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customers
Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-2010146, Issue 4
PM2329 ClassiPI Network Classification Processor Datasheet Rule Data Field
The Rule data field is 112 bits wide and is equal to the width of the PM2329 policy rules which are
compared with the packet data field. These 112 bits are divided into sub-fields, each of which can be used
independently of the others. There are a maximum of 6 sub-fields: two 32-bit fields (RD0 and RD1), two
16-bit fields (RD2 and RD3) and two 8-bit fields (RD4 and RD5). Sub-fields RD2 and RD3 can be used
separately as two 16-bit sub-fields, or they can be merged into a single 32-bit sub-field.
By programming the Rule Control field appropriately, the individual Rule Data sub-fields can effectively
be combined into wider fields to perform Equal operation.
Some Rule data sub-fields can act as mask fields for other rule data sub-fields. A rule data sub-field and the
corresponding packet data sub-field are masked with the associated mask field (if enabled) and are then
compared. This enables the PM2329 to implement power-of-2 (binary) range compare operations. Further
details about masking are provided in Section 5.1.3. Rule Control Field
The Rule Control Field controls the selection of packet data fields, operations to be performed on the rule
and packet data fields, and other actions related to the rule. Each rule has a set of Common Control (CC)
bits and Field Control (FC) bits associated with each rule data sub-field.
Since the rule data is divided into a number of sub-fields, the packet data must also be divided into a
compatible set of sub-fields. The sub-fields are then compared with the corresponding rule data sub-fields.
Common Control Bits
There are three common control (CC) bits used to specify global properties of the rule, or for indicating the
action to be performed on a rule match. These bits are described in Table 28:
Table 28
Common Control Rule - CCR Bits
Rule Control
Rule Attribute
No of
This bit is returned as part of the result and can be interpreted by
the user as desired
Specifies if the rule is part of a composite rule. Up to 4 rules can
be combined to form a composite rule. This bit cannot be used
with a Long Pattern Search OC and must be reset to
in that
This bit allows negation of the match result for the entire rule. In
case the rule is part of a Composite Rule, result negation is
applied for each Rule, and then the results from all appropriate
rules are combined.
Composite Rule Bit
Negation Bit