Direct RDRAM
256/288-Mbit (512Kx16/18x32s) Preliminary
Packet Format
Figure 3: shows the formats of the ROWA and ROWR
packets on the ROW pins. Table 3 describes the fields which
comprise these packets. DR4T and DR4F bits are encoded to
contain both the DR4 device address bit and a framing bit
which allows the ROWA or ROWR packet to be recognized
by the RDRAM.
The AV (ROWA/ROWR packet selection) bit distinguishes
between the two packet types. Both the ROWA and ROWR
packet provide a five bit device address and a five bit bank
address. An ROWA packet uses the remaining bits to
specify a nine bit row address, and the ROWR packet uses
the remaining bits for an eleven bit opcode field. Note the
use of the “RsvX” notation to reserve bits for future address
field extension.
Figure 3: also shows the formats of the COLC, COLM, and
COLX packets on the COL pins. Table 4 describes the fields
which comprise these packets.
The COLC packet uses the S (Start) bit for framing. A
COLM or COLX packet is aligned with this COLC packet,
and is also framed by the S bit.
The 23 bit COLC packet has a five bit device address, a five
bit bank address, a six bit column address, and a four bit
opcode. The COLC packet specifies a read or write
command, as well as some power management commands.
The remaining 17 bits are interpreted as a COLM (M=1) or
COLX (M=0) packet. A COLM packet is used for a COLC
write command which needs bytemask control. The COLM
packet is associated with the COLC packet from at least
earlier. An COLX packet may be used to specify an
independent precharge command. It contains a five bit
device address, a five bit bank address, and a five bit opcode.
The COLX packet may also be used to specify some house-
keeping and power management commands. The COLX
packet is framed within a COLC packet but is not otherwise
associated with any other packet.
Table 3: Field Description for ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet
Bits for framing (recognizing) a ROWA or ROWR packet. Also encodes highest device address bit.
Device address for ROWA or ROWR packet.
Bank address for ROWA or ROWR packet. RsvB denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM.
Selects between ROWA packet (AV=1) and ROWR packet (AV=0).
Row address for ROWA packet. RsvR denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM.
Opcode field for ROWR packet. Specifies precharge, refresh, and power management functions.
Table 4: Field Description for COLC Packet, COLM Packet, and COLX Packet
Bit for framing (recognizing) a COLC packet, and indirectly for framing COLM and COLX packets.
Device address for COLC packet.
Bank address for COLC packet. RsvB denotes bits reserved for future extension.(controller drives 0’s)
Column address for COLC packet. RsvC denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM.
Opcode field for COLC packet. Specifies read, write, precharge, and power management functions.
Selects between COLM packet (M=1) and COLX packet (M=0).
Bytemask write control bits. 1=write, 0=no-write. MA0 controls the earliest byte on DQA8..0.
Bytemask write control bits. 1=write, 0=no-write. MB0 controls the earliest byte on DQB8..0.
Device address for COLX packet.
Bank address for COLX packet. RsvB denotes bits reserved for future extension.(controller drives 0’s)
Opcode field for COLX packet. Specifies precharge, I
control, and power management functions.