10.12.5 Transmit Trace ID Processor
The Transmit Trace ID Processor accepts data from Transmit Data Storage, processes the data according to the
Transmit Trace ID mode, and outputs the serial trace ID data stream.
10.12.6 Transmit Trail Trace Processing
The Transmit Trail Trace Processing accepts data from the Transmit Data Storage performs bit reordering and
multiframe alignment insertion.
Bit reordering changes the bit order of each byte. If bit reordering is disabled, the outgoing 8-bit data stream
DT[1:8] with DT[1] being the MSB and DT[8] being the LSB is input from the Transmit Data Storage with the MSB
in TTD[7] and the LSB in TTD[0] of the transmit trace ID data TTD[7:0]. If bit reordering is enabled, the outgoing 8-
bit data stream DT[1:8] is input from the Transmit Data Storage with the MSB is in TTD[0] and the LSB is in TTD[7]
of the transmit trace ID data TTD[7:0]. DT[1] is the first bit transmitted on the outgoing data stream.
Multiframe alignment insertion overwrites the MSB of each trail trace byte with the multiframe alignment signal. The
MSB of the first byte in the trail trace identifier is overwritten with a one, the MSB of the other fifteen bytes in the
trail trace identifier are overwritten with a zero. Multiframe alignment insertion is programmable (on or off).
If transmit data inversion is enabled, the outgoing data is inverted after trail trace processing is performed. Transmit
data inversion is programmable (on or off). If transmit trail trace identifier idle (Idle) is enabled, the trail trace data is
overwritten with all zeros. Transmit Idle is programmable (on or off).
10.12.7 Receive Trace ID Processor
The Receive Trace ID Processor receives the incoming serial trace ID data stream and processes the incoming
data according to the Receive Trace ID mode, and passes the trace ID data on to Receive Data Storage.
The bits in a byte are received MSB first, LSB last. The bits in a byte in an incoming signal are numbered in the
order they are received, 1 (MSB) to 8 (LSB). However, when a byte is stored in a register, the MSB is stored in the
highest numbered bit (7), and the LSB is stored in the lowest numbered bit (0). This is to differentiate between a
byte in a register and the corresponding byte in a signal.
10.12.8 Receive Trail Trace Processing
The Receive Trail Trace Processing accepts an incoming data line and performs trail trace alignment, trail trace
extraction, expected trail trace comparison, and bit reordering. If receive data inversion is enabled, the incoming
data is inverted before trail trace processing is performed. Receive data inversion is programmable (on or off).
Trail trace alignment determines the trail trace identifier boundary by identifying the multiframe alignment signal.
The multiframe alignment signal (MAS) is located in the MSB of each byte (see
Figure 10-46). The MAS bits are
each checked for the multiframe alignment start bit, which is a one. Once a multiframe alignment start bit is found,
the remaining fifteen bits of the MAS are verified as being zero. The MAS check is performed one byte at a time.
Multiframe alignment is programmable (on or off). When multiframe alignment is disabled, the incoming bytes are
sequentially stored starting with a random byte.
Figure 10-46. Trail Trace Byte (DT = Trail Trace Data)
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
Bit 8
MAS or
Trail trace extraction extracts the trail trace identifier from the incoming trail trace data stream, generates a trail
trace identifier change indication, detects a trail trace identifier idle (Idle) condition, and detects a trail trace
identifier unstable (TIU) condition. The trail trace identifier bytes are stored sequentially with the first byte (MAS
equals 1 if trail trace alignment is enabled) being stored in the first byte of memory. If the exact same non-zero trail