Atmel ATF15xx Family: ISP Devices User Guide
Close SVF File and Start Another?
Choosing this command gives you the option to close an SVF file that is already open
and append new ISP operations to it. This command is useful when you want to perform
a different set of ISP operations using the same SVF file. This prevents you from having
to create a separate SVF file for each group of ISP operations you want to perform.
However, if you want to do this, select Yes. Otherwise, select No. Atmel recommends
that you choose Yes here so that you don’t inadvertently create an SVF file that exe-
cutes more operations than you intended to perform.
If you do select No for this feature, remember to close your SVF file after you have com-
pleted appending all the operations you want performed on it.
Enter TCK Period in Microseconds?
This notice assumes that you selected No when you responded to the “Does your Tar-
get System Support SVF Spec Rev D?” message. This means that the software will be
creating a Rev. C version of the SVF file, which must specify delays in number of TCK
You must enter a value for the TCK period at this prompt. The software supports
1-microsecond increments. So just enter only the value.
For example, if you want to enter a 1-microsecond TCK period, just type 1 and select
OK. The software will automatically calculate the number of TCK cycles required to
model any required delays needed when creating the SVF programming file.
Use Standard Cable?
This message will appear if you have originally configured the Atmel-ISP software to use
the ByteBlaster/MV cable or have loaded an existing chain file that has the Byte-
Blaster/MV cable selected. If you select No, the software will assume you want to
continue to use the ByteBlaster cable. If you select Yes, the software will change to use
the Atmel-ISP cable.
You will have to change your cable accordingly between your PC and your target board
before executing your chain file. Otherwise, you may receive a “No Devices Found-
Check Cables” error.
For ATF1500ASV devices, it is recommended that you use Rev. 4 or later of the
Atmel-ISP cable. This later revision contains special hardware within the cable to sup-
port our low-voltage devices. Using an older version of the Atmel-ISP cable may cause
programming problems with ASV devices. The revision number of the Atmel-ISP cable
is written on the shell of the cable.
Use ByteBlaster Cable?
This notice appears after you have executed the Process.. Options command and
selected No for SVF output. The software is asking you whether you want to use the
ByteBlaster cable to execute ISP operations on your target board. If you select Yes,
make sure the ByteBlaster cable is connected to your hardware. Otherwise, the soft-
ware will require you to use the Atmel-ISP cable.