This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change with-
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For current information contact Analog Devices at 800/262-5643
September 2001
this power-up sequence the RESET signal should be held
low. On any subsequent resets, the RESET signal must meet
the minimum pulsewidth specification, t
The RESET input contains some hysteresis. If using an RC
circuit to generate your RESET signal, the circuit should
use an external Schmidt trigger.
The master reset sets all internal stack pointers to the empty
stack condition, masks all interrupts, and resets all registers
to their default values (where applicable). When RESET is
released, if there is no pending bus request and the chip is
configured for booting, the boot-loading sequence is per-
formed. Program control jumps to the location of the
on-chip boot ROM (0xFF0000).
Power Supplies
The ADSP-2196 has separate power supply connections for
the internal (V
) and external (V
) power supplies.
The internal supply must meet the 2.5 V requirement. The
external supply must be connected to a 3.3 V supply. All
external supply pins must be connected to the same supply.
As indicated in
Table 6
, the OPMODE pin has a dual role,
acting as a boot mode select during reset and determining
SPORT or SPI operation at runtime. If the OPMODE pin
at reset is the opposite of what is needed in an application
during runtime, the application needs to set the OPMODE
bit appropriately during runtime prior to using the corre-
sponding peripheral.
Booting Modes
The ADSP-2196 has seven mechanisms (listed in
Table 6
for automatically loading internal program memory
after reset.
The OPMODE, BMODE1, and BMODE0 pins, sampled
during hardware reset, and three bits in the Reset Configu-
ration Register implement these modes:
Boot from memory external 16 bits—The memory boot
routine located in boot ROM memory space executes a
boot-stream-formatted program located at address
0x10000 of boot memory space, packing 16-bit external
data into 24-bit internal data. The External Port Interface
is configured for the default clock multiplier (128) and
read waitstates (7).
Boot from EPROM—The EPROM boot routine located
in boot ROM memory space executes a boot-stream-for-
matted program located at address 0x10000 of boot
memory space, packing 8- or 16-bit external data into
24-bit internal data. The External Port Interface is con-
figured for the default clock multiplier (32) and read
waitstates (7).
Boot from Host—The (8- or 16-bit) Host downloads a
boot-stream-formatted program to internal or external
memory. The Host’s boot routine is located in internal
ROM memory space and uses the top 16 locations of
Page 0 program memory and the top 272 locations of
Page 0 data memory.
The internal boot ROM sets semaphore A (an IO register
within the host port) and then polls until the semaphore
is reset. Once detected, the internal boot ROM will remap
the interrupt vector table to Page 0 internal memory and
jump to address 0x0000 internal. From the point of view
of the host interface, an external host has full control of
the DSP's memory map. The Host has the freedom to
directly write internal memory, external memory, and
internal I/O memory space. The DSP core execution is
held off until the Host clears the semaphore register. This
strategy allows the maximum flexibility for the Host to
boot in the program and data code, by leaving it up to
the programmer.
Execute from memory external 8 bits (No Boot)—
execution starts from Page 1 of external memory space,
packing either 8- or 16-bit external data into 24-bit
internal data. The External Port Interface is configured
for the default clock multiplier (128) and read waitstates
Boot from UART—The Host downloads
boot-stream-formatted program using an autobaud
handshake sequence. The Host agent selects a baud rate
within the UART’s clocking capabilities. After a hardware
reset, the DSP’s UART transmits 0xFF values (eight bits
data, one start bit, one stop bit, no parity bit) until
detecting the start of the first memory block. The UART
boot routine is located in internal ROM memory space
and uses the top 16 locations of Page 0 program memory
and the top 272 locations of Page 0 data memory.
Table 6. Select Boot Mode (OPMODE, BMODE1, and
Execute from external memory 16 bits
(No Boot)
Boot from EPROM
Boot from Host
Execute from external memory 8 bits
(No Boot)
Boot from UART
Boot from SPI, up to 4K bits
Boot from SPI, >4K bits up to
512K bits