The AD9958 allows easy synchronization of multiple AD9958
devices. At power-up the phase of SYNC_CLK can be offset
between multiple devices. To correct for the offset and align the
SYNC_CLK edges, there are three methods (one automatic
mode and two manual modes) of synchronizing SYNC_CLKs.
These modes force the internal state machines of multiple
devices to a known state, which aligns SYNC_CLKs.
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Any mismatch in REF_CLK phase between devices results in a
corresponding phase mismatch on the SYNC_CLKs.
In automatic mode, multiple part synchronization is achieved
by connecting the SYNC_OUT pin on the master device to the
SYNC_IN pin of the slave device(s). Devices are configured as
master or slave through programming bits, accessible via the
serial port.
A configuration for synchronizing multiple AD9958/59 devices
in automatic mode is shown in the Application Circuits section.
In this configuration, the AD9510 provides coincident
REF_CLKs and SYNC_OUTs to all devices.
The first step is to program the master and slave devices for
their respective roles. Enabling the master device is performed
by writing its master enable bit (FR2 <6>) true. This causes the
SYNC_OUT of the master device to output a pulse that has a
pulse width equal to one system clock period and a frequency
equal to one fourth of the system clock frequency. Enabling
device(s) as slaves is performed by writing the slave enable bit
(FR2 <7>) true.
In automatic synchronizing mode, the slave device(s) sample
SYNC_OUT pulses from the master device and a comparison of
all state machines is made by the autosynchronization circuitry.
If the slave device(s) state machines are not identical to the
master, the slave device(s) state machines are stalled for one
system clock cycle. This procedure synchronizes the slave
device(s) within three SYNC_CLK periods.
Delay Time Between SYNC_OUT and SYNC_IN
When the delay between SYNC_OUT and SYNC_IN exceeds
one system clock period, phase offset bits (FR2 <1:0>) are used
to compensate. The default state of these bits is 00, which
implies that the SYNC_OUT of the master and the SYNC_IN of
the slave have a propagation delay of less than one system clock
period. If the propagation time is greater than one system clock
period, the time should be measured and the appropriate offset
programmed. Table 24 describes the delays required per system
clock offset value.
Table 24.
System Clock
Offset Value
Automatic Synchronization Status Bits
If a slave device falls out of sync, the sync status bit is set high.
This bit can be read through the serial port bit (FR2 <5>). It is
automatically cleared when read.
Propagation Delay
0 ≤ delay ≤ 1
1 ≤ delay ≤ 2
2 ≤ delay ≤ 3
3 ≤ delay ≤ 4
The synchronization routine continues to operate regardless of
the state of the status bit. The status bit can be masked by
writing Logic 1 to the synchronization status mask bit
(FR2 <4>). If the status bit is masked, it is held low.
The manual software mode is enabled by setting the manual
synchronization bit (FR1 <0>) to Logic 1 in a device. In this
mode, the I/O update that writes the Manual SW synchro-
nization bit to Logic 0 stalls the state machine of the clock
generator for one system clock cycle. Stalling the clock
generation state machine by one cycle changes the phase
relationship of SYNC_CLK between devices by one system
clock period (90°).
Note that the user may have to repeat this process until the
devices have their SYNC_CLK signals in phase. The SYNC_IN
input may be left floating since it has an internal pull-up. The
SYNC_OUT is not used.
The synchronization is complete when the master and slave(s)
devices have their SYNC_CLK signals in phase.
Manual hardware mode is enabled by setting the manual SW
synchronization bit (FR1 <1>) to Logic 1 in a device. In manual
HW synchronization mode, the SYNC_CLK stalls by one
system clock cycle each time a rising edge is detected on the
SYNC_IN input. Stalling SYNC_CLK’s state machine by one
cycle changes the phase relationship of SYNC_CLK between
devices by one system clock period (90°).
Note that the user may have to repeat the process until the
devices have their SYNC_CLK signals in phase. The SYNC_IN
input might be left floating since it has an internal pull-up. The
SYNC_OUT is not used.
The synchronization is complete when the master and slave(s)
devices have their SYNC_CLK signals in phase.