Data Sheet
Rev. E | Page 41 of 104
Table24.OutputChannelLogicFamilyand PinFunctionality
Mode Bits [2:0]
Logic Family and Pin Functionality
CMOS (both pins)
CMOS (positive pin), tristate (negative pin)
Tristate (positive pin), CMOS (negative pin)
Tristate (both pins)
Regardless of the selected logic family, each is capable of dc
operation. However, the upper frequency is limited by the load
conditions, drive strength, and impedance matching inherent in
each logic family. Practical limitations set the maximum CMOS
frequency to approximately 250 MHz, whereas LVPECL and
LVDS are capable of 725 MHz.
In addition to the three mode bits, both distribution channel
mode registers include the following control bits:
Polarity invert
CMOS phase invert
Drive strength
The polarity invert bit enables the user tochoose between normal
polarity and inverted polarity. Normal polarity is the default
state. Inverted polarity reverses the representation of Logic 0
and Logic 1 regardless of the logic family.
The CMOS phase invert bit applies only when the mode bits select
the CMOS logic family. In CMOS mode, both output pins of the
channel have a dedicated CMOS driver. By default, both drivers
deliver identical signals. However, setting the CMOS phase invert
bit causes the signal on an OUTxN pin to be the opposite of the
signal appearing on the OUTxP pin.
The drive strength bit allows the user to control whether the
output uses weak (0) or strong (1) drive capability (applies to
CMOS and LVDS but not LVPECL). For the CMOS family, the
strong setting implies normal CMOS drive capability, whereas
the weak setting implies low capacitive loading and allows for
reduced EMI. For the LVDS family, the weak setting provides
3.5 mA drive current for standard LVDS operation, whereas the
strong setting provides 7 mA for double terminated or double
voltage LVDS operation. Note that 3.5 mA and 7 mA are the
nominal drive current values when using the internal current
setting resistor.
Output CurrentControl withan External Resistor
By default, the output drivers have an internal current setting
resistor (3.12 kΩ nominal) that establishes the nominal drive
current for the LVDS and LVPECL operating modes. Instead of
using the internal resistor, the user can elect to set the external
distribution resistor bit (Register 0x0400, Bit 5) and connect an
external resistor to the OUT_RSET pin. Note that this feature
supports an external resistor value of 3.12 kΩ only, allowing for
tighter control of the output current than is possible by using
the internal current setting resistor. However, if the user elects
to use a nonstandard external resistance, the following equations
provide the output drive current as a function of the external
resistance (R):
The numeric subscript associated with the LVDS output cur-
rent corresponds to the logic state of the drive strength bit in the
distribution channel modes registers (Address 0x0404, Bit 3 and
Address 0x0405, Bit 3). For R = 3.12 kΩ, the equations yield
ILVDS0 = 3.5 mA, ILVDS1 = 7.0 mA, and ILVPECL = 8.0 mA. Note that
the device maintains a constant 1.238 V (nominal) across the
external resistor.
Clock DistributionSynchronization
A block diagramof the distribution synchronization functionality
appears in
Figure 47. The synchronization sequence begins with
the primary synchronization signal, which ultimately results in
delivery of a synchronization strobe to the clock distribution logic.
As indicated, the primary synchronization signal originates
from the following four possible sources:
Direct synchronization source via the sync distribution bit
(Register 0x0A02, Bit 1)
Automatic synchronization source based on frequency or
phase lock detection, as controlled viathe automatic synchro-
nization register (Address 0x0403)
Multifunction pin synchronization source via one of the
multifunction pins (M0 to M7)
EEPROM synchronization source via the EEPROM
All four sources of the primary synchronization signal are logic
OR’d, so any one of them can synchronize the clock distribution
output at any time. When using the multifunction pins, the syn-
chronization event is the falling edge of the selected signal. When
using the sync distribution bit, the user first sets then clears the bit.
The synchronization event is the clearing operation; that is, the
Logic 1 to Logic 0 transition of the bit.
The primary synchronization signalcan synchronize
the distribution output directly, or it can enable asecondary
synchronization signal. This functionality depends on the two
sync source bits in the distribution synchronization register
(Register 0x0402, Bits[5:4]).
When sync source = 00 (direct), the falling edge of the
primary synchronization signal directly synchronizes the
distribution output.
When sync source = 01, the rising edge of the primarysynchroni-
zation signaltriggers the circuitry that detects a rising edge of the