TB-2091 Page 4 of 8
Figure 7. Component Parts and Installation of 14244 and
Installing the Flush Mount Insert
Ground System
The following instructions are based on a top with a
thickness of 1-1/4" (30mm) tops.
Using drill tool 14242:
Figure 8. Drill Tool 14242.
a. Set the 1/4" (6mm) drill bit and adjustable
counterbore so that the 1/4" (6mm) bit will drill
clear through the work surface.
b. Set the drill stop so the drilling depth of the 1/2"
(12mm) counterbore is .200" (+.000" - .010")
Using the drill kit 14242 as adjusted above, position
drill bit on the top of the worksurface at the point you
want to install the flush mount insert.
Drill perpendicular from the top surface straight into
the work surface until the drill stop touches the
laminate surface. This should be at a depth of .200".
Using the 1/4" (6mm) pilot hole on the bottom of the
work surface drill a 1 1/2" (37mm) diameter
counterbore 5/8" (16mm) deep, of no more than 1/2
the thickness of the worksurface.
Seat the 8-32 cap screw through the brass insert so
that it sits flat with the top of the insert.
Push the cap screw and brass insert assembly into
the 1/2" (12mm) diameter hole on top of the
worksurface. Attach and tighten the 8-32 nut until the
brass insert is flush with the laminate surface.
Remove the 8-32 nut and install the flat washer, ring
terminal and 8-32 nut as shown above. The ring
terminal is for a ground wire attachment.
Using approximately 22 gauge wire, crimp the
supplied ring terminal to the wire and secure it to the
8-32 cap screw using the 8-32 nut. Attach the
unterminated wire end to a building ground. THE
Recommended practice per ANSI/EOS/ESD S6.1-
1991 is no resistor between the common point ground
terminal and a worksurface, floor mat, or shelving.
FOR INSTALLING dual wrist strap ground (item
09740) included with item 14246 ONLY. Place item
09740 at the position desired to install, screw in place
using enclosed screws.
2.10. Using the ground wire from the 09740, cut the length
of the ground cord so that it will reach from the 09740
to the underside of the worksurface at the 8-32 screw.
Crimp the extra ring terminal to the end of the wire
and bolt it to the underside of the work surface using
the 8-32 cap screw and nut.
2.11. Using the remaining wire cut from the 09740, attach
the ring terminal end to the 8-32 cap screw and nut.
Using the ring terminal enclosed, terminate the other
end to a ground source. This will GROUND both the
top and the dual wrist strap ground.
Grounding Method for Continuous Monitors
Materials Needed for Item 19232 and 19665:
2 ea. 14244 Flush Mount Laminate Ground Insert
1 ea. 14242 Installation Tool for Flush Mount Insert
1. Install the Flush Mount Inserts first. It is recommended to
install one in the right back corner and the other in the
left back corner of the Micastat laminated bench top.
2. Once both inserts are installed, cut the ground cord
supplied with the monitor into two pieces; make sure that
the tinned end is long enough to connect from the
monitor to one of the flush mount terminals located under
the bench.
3. The remaining wire can then be used to connect the
other flush mount terminal to ground using the supplied
ring terminal. The shrouded molded end can then be cut
When complete, one flush mount terminal will connect the
Micastat laminate to ground, while the other will connect it
to a monitor. The monitor then monitors the ground
connection between the two inserts, and since Micastat is
DESCO WEST - 3651 Walnut Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 (909) 627-8178 Fax (909) 627-7449
DESCO EAST - One Colgate Way, Canton, MA 02021-1407 (781) 821-8370 Fax (781) 575-0172 Web Site:
http://www.desco.com AB
A. 1/4" (6mm) Drill bit
B. 1/2" (12mm) x 1/4" (6mm) Adj. counterbore
C. Drill stop
A. 8-32-1 Cap screw
D. Ring Terminal
B. Brass insert 1/2" dia.
E. 8-32 Nut
C. 1/2" dia. flat washer
F. Item 09740 (sold with item 14246 only)
Employee Owned