Preliminary Product Information
PD789216Y, 789217Y
(1) 16-bit compare register 90 (CR90)
A value specified in CR90 is compared with the count in 16-bit timer register 90 (TM90). If they match, an
interrupt request (INTTM90) is issued.
CR90 is manipulated using an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Any value from 0000H to FFFFH
can be set.
A RESET input loads FFFFH into CR90.
Cautions 1.
CR90 is designed to be manipulated using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. It
can also be manipulated using 8-bit memory manipulation instructions, however. When
an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction is used to set CR90, it must be in a direct
addressing access mode.
To re-set CR90 during count operation, it is necessary to disable interrupts in advance,
using an interrupt mask flag register 1 (MK1). It is also necessary to disable inversion of
the timer output data, using 16-bit timer mode control register 90 (TMC90).
(2) 16-bit timer register 90 (TM90)
TM90 is used to count the number of pulses.
The contents of TM90 are read using an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction.
A RESET input clears TM90 to 0000H.
Cautions 1.
The count becomes undefined when STOP mode is deselected, because the count
operation is performed before oscillation settles.
TM90 is designed to be manipulated using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. It
can also be manipulated using 8-bit memory manipulation instructions, however. When
an 8-bit memory instruction is used to manipulate TM90, it must be in a direct addressing
access mode.
When an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction is used to manipulate TM90, the lower
and upper bytes must be read as a pair, in this order.
(3) 16-bit capture register 90 (TCP90)
TCP90 captures the contents of 16-bit timer 90 (TM90).
It is manipulated using an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction.
A RESET input makes TCP90 undefined.
TCP90 is designed to be manipulated using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. It can
also be manipulated using 8-bit memory manipulation instructions, however. When an 8-bit
memory manipulation instruction is used to manipulate TCP90, it must be in a direct
addressing access mode.
(4) 16-bit counter read buffer 90
This buffer is used to latch and hold the count for 16-bit timer 90 (TM90).