Optional Features
The ZPSD5XX provides two optional features to add flexibility to the Bus Interface:
1. Address In
Port A can be configured as high order address (A16-A23) inputs to the ZPLD for
EPROM or other decoding. Inputs are latched by ALE/AS if Multiplexed Bus is selected.
Other ports can be configured as address input ports for the ZPLD. These inputs should
not be used for EPROM decoding and are not latched internally.
2. Address Out
For multiplexed bus only. Latched address lines A0-A15 are available on
Port A, B, C, D, or E.
Details on the optional features are described in the I/O Port section.
Bus Interface Examples
The next four figures show the ZPSD5XX interfacing with some popular microcontrollers.
The examples show only the basic bus connections; some of the pin names on the
ZPSD5XX parts change to reflect the actual pin functions.
Figure 17 shows an interface to the 80C31. The 80C31 has a 16 bit address bus and an
8-bit data bus. The lower address byte is multiplexed with the data bus. The RD and WR
signals are used for accessing the data memory (SRAM) and the PSEN signal is for reading
program memory (EPROM). The ALE signal is active high and is used to latch the address
internally. Port C provides latched address outputs A[7:0]. Ports A, B, D, and E (PE2-PE7)
can be configured to perform other functions. The RSTOUT reset to the 80C31 is generated
by the ZPLD from the RESET input. This configuration eliminates any reset race condition
between the 80C31 and the ZPSD5XX.
Figure 18 shows the 68HC11 interface, which is similar to the 80C31 except the ZPSD5XX
generates internal RD and WR from the 68HC11’s E and R/W signals.
In Figure 19, the Intel 80C196 microcontroller is interfaced to the ZPSD5XX. The 80C196
has a multiplexed 16-bit address and data bus. The BHE signal is used for data byte
selection. Ports C and D are used as output ports for latched address A[15:0]. Pins PE6
and PE7 can be programmed as ZPLD outputs to provide the READY and BUSWIDTH
control signals to the 80C196.
Figure 20 shows Motorola’s MC68331 interfacing to the ZPSD5XX. The MC68331 has a
16-bit data bus and a 24-bit address bus. D15-D8 from the MC68331 are connected to
Port D, and D7 – D0 are connected to Port C.