- Obsolete
ST6388, ST63E88, ST63T88
Two latches are available which may generate in-
terrupts to the ST638x core. The IR latch is set ei-
ther by the falling or rising edge of the signal on pin
PC6(IRIN). If bit 1 (IRPOSEDGE) of the latches
register (E9h) is high, then the latch will be trig-
gered on the rising edge of the signal at
PC6(IRIN). If bit 1 (IRPOSEDGE) is low, then the
latch will be triggered on the falling edge of the sig-
nal at PC6(IRIN). The IR latch can be reset by set-
ting bit 3 (RESIRLAT) of the latches register; the
bit is write only and a high should be written every
time the IR latch needs to be reset. If bit 2 (IRINT-
EN) of the latches register (E9h) is high, then the
output of the IR latch, IRINTN, may generate an in-
terrupt (#0). IRINTN is inverted with respect to the
state of the IR latch. If bit 2 (IRINTEN) is low, then
the output of the IR latch, IRINTN, is forced
high.The state of the IR latch may be read from bit
3 (IRLATCH) of register E4h; if the IR latch is set,
then bit 3 will be high. The PWR latch is set either
by the falling or rising edge of the signal on pin
PC4(PWRIN). If bit 4 (PWREDGE) of the latches
register (E9h) is high, then the latch will be trig-
gered on the rising edge of the signal at
PC4(PWRIN). If bit 4 (PWREDGE) is low, then the
latch will be triggered on the falling edge of the sig-
nal at PC4(PWRIN). The PWR latch can be reset
by setting bit 6 (RESPWRLAT) of the latches reg-
ister; the bit is set only and a high should be written
every time the PWR latch needs to be reset. If bit 5
(PWRINTEN) of the latches register (E9h) is high,
then the output of the PWR latch, PWRINTN, may
generate an interrupt (#4). PWRINTN is inverted
with respect to the state of the PWR latch. If bit 5
(PWRINTEN) is low, then the output of the PWR
latch, PWRINTN, is forced high.
Dedicated Latches Control Register (DLCR)
Address: E9h - Write only
Reset Value: XXh
Caution: This register contains at least one write
only bit. Single bit instructions (SET, RES, INC
and DEC) should not be used.
Bit 7. This bit is not used
RESPWRLAT. Resets the PWR latch; this bit is
write only.
PWRINTEN. This bit enables the PWRINT signal
(#4) from the latch to the ST638x core. Undefined
after reset.
PWREDGE. The bit determines the edge which
will cause the PWRIN latch to be set. If this bit is
high, than the PWRIN latch will be set on the rising
edge of the PWRIN signal. Undefined after reset.
RESIRLAT. Resets the IR latch; this bit is write on-
ly. Undefined after Reset.
IRINTEN. This bit enables the IRINTN signal (#0)
from the latch to the ST638x core. Undefined after
IRPOSEDGE. The bit determines the edge which
will cause the IR latch to be set. If this bit is high,
than the IR latch will be set on the rising edge of
the IR signal. Undefined after reset.
Bit 0. This bit is not used